All articles by Tommy Leighton – Page 178
Wal-Mart produce vice president gives secret to success
Bruce Peterson this morning told delegates at the Produce Marketing Association's (PMA) Fresh Summit in Orlando that the reasons behind the multinational giant's domination are simple.
Capespan fruit for schools
Capespan provided fruit to an East London school as part of National School Meals Week
Growth in vegetarian products slows
A new report shows that the growth in vegetarian food products has slowed in the UK.
Barnard to lead 2003-2004 PMA board
The Produce Marketing Association in the US has elected its board for the next 12 months
Lisbon congress unites world wholesalers
More than 300 delegates representing some 30 countries attended the 23rd congress of the World Union of Wholesale Markets i(WUWM).
Mack's charity fruit basket website
The Worshipful Company of Fruiterers, in association with the Mack Group, has launched a fruit basket website.
Carluccio's Caffe culture
Commendatore Antonio Carluccio shares his celebrated passion for mushrooms with the Mushroom Bureau at his mushroom market in central London.
Grape market awaits Brazilian arrivals
The first vessel of new season Brazilian grapes will hit Europe next week...
South African growers form concern group
South African grape growers have formed a new group to defend their interests.
Cape grower makes smart decision with Longlife
Cape Five Export, one of the major grower-based deciduous fruit exporter groups in South Africa is successfully using new smartbag packaging technology developed by Long Life Solutions.
Oil price rises - produce industry will suffer
Fresh produce distribution costs are likely to rise yet further as a result of the volatility of the international oil market.
Asian conference draws closer
There are now less than four weeks to go until the Asiafruit Congress meets in India.
New raspberry named in honour of Brice brothers
Soft-fruit veterans Simon and Peter Brice have retired with a raspberry being named in their honour
Fresh produce business faces key choice on promotions
In a bid to boost consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables, the industry must now decide whether to spend its scarce resources on tried and tested methods...
Tomato industry reliant on R&D
To increase production efficiency, through the better use of resources, and to maximise fruit quality are the top R&D priorities for British tomato growers.
Industry's opportunity to address supermarket code of practice
An OFT review gives the fresh produce industry an an opportunity to define what happens with the supermarket code of practice.
Swan urges PR investment
In order to increase the consumption of fruit and vegetables in Europe, the health benefits must be well-publicised, says Fyffes Laurence Swan.
New disease threat to UK tomato industry
A new disease threat to the UK tomato industry has been discovered in the south east of England this year.
Fresh discussion of supply and production problems
The intricacies of European supply and production were discussed last week...