All articles by Tommy Leighton – Page 127
Report warning for mushroom growers
English mushroom growers need to re-think their operations, if the industry wants to protect market share, according to a study by Warwick HRI.
Irish pepper project comes on stream
FRUIT LOGISTICA: Leading Irish producer Keelings is preparing to harvest the first of its home-produced peppers, grown as part of an €8.2 million project.
Capespan undergoes restructure
Louis Kriel Jr named ceo of fruit division as South African group attempts to develop and improve internal relationships.
Davison highlights litigation danger to fruit
With the Hall Hunter case getting underway last week, there has never been a better time to address issues of legality, according to Angus Davison, managing director of Haygrove Fruit and chairman of KG Fruit.
MexicoGAP to join EurepGAP family
FRUIT LOGISTICA: The Mexican ministry of agriculture and EurepGAP signed an agreement last week that will eventually lead to MexicoGAP being benchmarked to the EurepGAP, the global partnership for safe and sustainable agriculture.
Cameo suffers from weather
FRUIT LOGISTICA: Bad weather dealt a blow to UK Cameo apple producers this season, with yields far below expectations.
Welsh fruit and veg man dies in crash
Basil Richardson, a North Wales trader, died in a car crash on Saturday.
Retail support needed for 5 A DAY
FRUIT LOGISTICA: Retailers throughout Europe need to throw their weight behind the 5 A DAY campaign, said Gunter Schweinsberg, chairman of the Fruit Logistica advisory board.
Wilson whistles for blueberries
Carl Wilson of Hargreaves Plants told delegates at last week’s U40s Conference that investing in blueberry production could be very lucrative for the UK marketplace.
Redbridge explores new avenues
Marketing director Sally Cleary-Corbett advises growers and their distributors to look beyond the multiple chains for more business opportunities.
Outspan Fresh shows Navision
A leading IT provider is celebrating after landing a new major client in Outspan Fresh.
Boer backs bumble bees
Bumble bees provide the best method of pollination, according to Roger Boer of Koppert Biological Systems.
Going and gone for Goldsby
David Goldsby, manager of Vitacress Sales Ltd - Birmingham, retired this week after 39 years in the fresh produce trade.
FTA takes record number of calls
The Freight Transport Association is taking a record number of calls from companies with queries about the Road Transport Directive.
Buyers charter reality within a month
A new voluntary Buyers' Charter between growers and supermarkets could be come a reality within a month.
Fyffes shareholder concern aired in court
Irish high court heasr that Fyffes shareholder warned company it could be "tainted" by DCC episode.
Government warns of climate change impact on growers
The government is calling on UK farmers to consider how they will cope with the effects of climate change.
Taste still tops consumer purchasing inluences
New research by the Produce Marketing Association (PMA) that explored what makes consumers decide to buy fresh produce has found that taste remains the top purchase influencer.
Consider foodservice opportunities, says report
Growers can exploit the growth in meals taken out of the home by researching the opportunities that exist within the annual £30 billion foodservice market...
EC grants Sun World superior status
European Community grants Sun World Superior Seedless® trademark registration.