Tomato news archive – Page 94

  • Italy speaks out on CMO

    Italy speaks out on CMO


    Reform of the EU’s common market organisation (CMO) for fruit and vegetables must address growers’ needs by protecting their incomes and guaranteeing development for the future.

  • Weather-beaten, but unbowed

    Weather-beaten, but unbowed


    With summer lasting some five months this year in the UK, the effects of Global warming have become an undeniable reality. However, for Canary Island growers, unusually high temperatures and tropical storms have been making their presence felt for a few years already. Doris Lee Butterworth talks to leading producers and importers to find out more.

  • Spania Fresh stays in focus

    Spania Fresh stays in focus


    The Canary Islands has not had an easy time of late. But one company that is determined to show its commitment is Spania Fresh Canarias SL. Doris Lee Butterworth reports.

  • Chile builds on avo presence

    Chile builds on avo presence


    The largest-ever volumes of Chilean avocados are earmarked for the UK this season. And the Chilean Hass Avocado Committee (CHAC) has rolled up its sleeves for a strong promotional push. Anna Sbuttoni reports.

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    Capturing spirit of an industry


    As I wrote this, I was looking forward to going to “Marden”, or as it is more correctly known nowadays the

  • Southampton awaits Canary Island salads

    Southampton awaits Canary Island salads


    First arrivals of Canary Islands tomatoes are expected into ABP Southampton on October 23.

  • Rosy revival on the horizon

    Rosy revival on the horizon


    Consumers are showing their support for British tomatoes at the tills, say growers who are cautiously optimistic that the sector is enjoying a reversal of fortunes. Doris Lee Butterworth reports.

  • Philip Pearson, chairman of the Tomato Growers Association (centre) with Stuart Cox, Sakata (left) and Yvo Lens, Western Seeds (right)

    Tomato conference in high spirits


    English tomato sales have boomed due to the baking hot summer, according to confident growers at last week’s Tomato Growers’ Association (TGA) conference, in Coventry.

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    A match made in the salad sector


    As well as being the brains behind salad company SCSMB, Steve Cornwell and Morna Blair-Cornwell are also happily married. Elspeth Waters chats to them about their business and juggling family life and two young sons with their commercial lives.

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    Sent to Coventry is no punishment


    Having listened to the hopes and fears of the British tomato industry at its annual conference in Coventry last week, I was

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    French seeds spread to Israel


    French seed company Vilmorin Seed has gained control of Israel’s largest and oldest seed company Hazera Genetics.

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    Toms line up for National Fruit Show


    Tomatoes, pumpkins and walnuts will be included for the first time in the National Fruit Show 2006 - and the exhibition is set to be the bigger than ever, according to its organisers.

  • Ecuador prepares for Euro push

    Ecuador prepares for Euro push


    Ecuadorian roses are some of the finest in the world, with the heat of the equator crossing the altitude of the Andes to make for ideal growing conditions. And Ecuadorian flower producers are now looking to export more product to Europe ahead of trade preferences with the US ending in December. Anna Sbuttoni reports.

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    Food robotics centre unveiled


    The University of Salford has announced the opening of the UK’s first centre for robotics in the food industry.

  • Lettuce fields flooded in the Venice region

    Deluge damage quantified


    Heavy rainstorms and high winds have caused extensive damage to crops in Italy, flooding the countryside while they have brought mixed fortunes to growers in Spain.

  • Greenery gets more Tradizionale

    Greenery gets more Tradizionale


    The Greenery is expanding its Tradizionale tomato range by increasing production and introducing new varieties.

  • Canary salads suffer the heat

    Canary salads suffer the heat


    Sweltering heat in the Canary Islands is damaging new tomato plants.

  • Spain’s salad hopes

    Spain’s salad hopes


    As the first supplies of Spanish salads trickle through to the UK, growers are generally optimistic about the impending season. However, with last year’s cold temperatures still on the minds of many, overcoming the changeable weather is the sector’s major challenge. Emma Twyning reports.

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    Does knowledge equal power or just confusion?


    we live in an era when there is an almost insatiable demand for information, and perhaps no more so than when it comes to food

  • Summer Sun

    Sun shines on new tomato


    Israel's Hazera Genetics has developed a new breed of tomato which it says “has the taste and colour of honey”.