Tomato news archive – Page 91

  • Peter Ireland, gesticulating centre, and Simon Coupe, far right, join Flavourfresh directors at the animated opening of a new £650,000 block of glass

    New glass on the block


    Marks & Spencer salad buyer Peter Ireland and salad technologist Dr Simon Coupe opened Flavourfresh Salads’ new one-hectare glass block in Southport, Lancashire.

  • Mixed tomato messages

    Mixed tomato messages


    With the environmental cost of greenhouse production in the spotlight this year alongside food miles and the accompanying push for home-grown fruit, the UK tomato industry has had to stand up to some mixed messages. But prospects for this season are looking up and, with gas prices down 50 per cent on last year and demand for UK product stronger than ever, the sector is full of beans. Anna Sbuttoni reports.

  • New glasshouse for M&S supplier

    New glasshouse for M&S supplier


    Flavourfresh Salads has opened a new one hectare glasshouse in Lancashire.

  • Packaging trials

    Packaging trials


    There is increasing pressure on both growers and manufacturers of horticultural products to create packaging that is both attractive and environmentally sound. David Shapley reports.

  • Shakeel Akhtar

    Cherry tom Shakeel appeal


    The family of a North London schoolboy who died last year are hoping to get a cherry tomato named after him.

  • Article

    Pyrastrobin and boscalid evaluated


    Results of trial work in fruit and vegetables show that in addition to the disease control of bacteria and virus infection by the two fungicides involved - pyrastrobin and boscalid - they can also play an equally key role in boosting a crop’s own defence mechanisms.

  • Tomato supplies run tight

    Tomato supplies run tight


    Tomato supplies in the UK have been shortening as weather conditions affect volumes coming in from the Canary Islands and mainland Spain.

  • US tomatoes weigh in at $650 million

    US tomatoes weigh in at $650 million


    A recent report by the University of California agricultural department puts the US tomato industry at around $650 million in California's agricultural economy last year, more than the world's second largest producer, Italy, and greater than a growing industry in China.

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    Mid-East: tomatoes the only solution


    One way to resolve the ongoing Middle Eastern crisis…send more tomatoes to Iran.

  • Dover commits to fruitful future

    Dover commits to fruitful future


    As reported in this week’s news section, George Hammond has signed a groundbreaking 10-year lease with the Dover Harbour Board (DHB) to secure its tenure at the Dover Cargo Terminal (DCT) until 2017. It represents a huge show of confidence in the long-term future of the Kentish port as a fresh produce logistics powerhouse, George Hammond’s Brian Madderson tells Tommy Leighton.

  • Scientists up antioxidants with salt

    Scientists up antioxidants with salt


    Scientists in Italy are investigating ways of growing tomatoes in diluted seawater, and suggest in a new scientific report that doing so raises the anti-oxidant quotient of the fruit.

  • Tesco Finest tomatoes receive UK treatment

    Tesco Finest tomatoes receive UK treatment


    The first arrivals of Finest British tomatoes on the vine hit the shelves in Tesco stores across the UK last week, supplied by Isle of Wight-based grower Wight Salads.

  • Time to go Dutch

    Time to go Dutch


    Despite a delayed start, Dutch salad growers feel they’re well positioned to serve the demanding UK market. Doris Lee Butterworth catches up with leading producers and exporters to talk about prospects for the coming season.

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    Taking RPA to Newcastle bad news for growers


    Following its relocation to Northallerton, the Rural Payment Agency could soon be on the move again and heading to Newcastle if David Miliband has his way. But the move could prove disastrous for producer organisations, writes John Smith, managing director of Greyfriars.

  • Maarten de Moor

    Flandria targets speciality innovation


    Belgium is boosting its speciality product offer in 2007 with the addition of some innovative new varieties to the Flandria quality label.

  • India goes GAP filling

    India goes GAP filling


    India’s export development agency Apeda has announced a brand-building exercise for the country’s grapes and an IndiaGAP programme.

  • Almeria to revamp crop management

    Almeria to revamp crop management


    The Spanish region of Almeria is to overhaul its crop management in the aftermath of its recent pesticide crisis.

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    Hungary reports production boost


    Hungary enjoyed an increase in overall fruit production last year but adverse weather conditions resulted in the country importing more than it exported for the third year running.

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    Koppert showcases premium novelties


    Koppert Cress intrigued Fruit Logistica visitors with its premium products, which included seaweed, grown as cress, ultra-sweet tomatoes and plant-made vase, Venus.

  • Cucumber sector energised

    Cucumber sector energised


    As the industry enjoys lower gas prices, cucumber growers are cautiously optimistic about market conditions this season. Doris Lee Butterworth talks to leading producers about the state of play.