Tomato news archive – Page 71

  • Steven Millar of DARD

    A rich heritage


    Northern Ireland has rich and vibrant soils that produce many traditional vegetable stocks, as well as being one of the largest banana importers in the world. But the country has taken the fresh produce industry to the next level with its forward thinking, which has given producers and suppliers the edge. Elizabeth O’Keefe visits Northern Ireland to investigate.

  • Tipped for the top

    Tipped for the top


    British asparagus has enjoyed being in the spotlight for the last five years. Demand has increased significantly during this period and a highly effective PR campaign, coupled with sustained and widespread media interest, has captured consumer imagination. Doris Lee Butterworth reports.

  • Prepared sector boldly faces the recession head on

    Prepared sector boldly faces the recession head on


    The prep-heavy catering industry has taken a hit due to the recession, but the prepared produce sector is holding its own, mainly due to continuous price promotions at the retailers. Elizabeth O’Keefe asks, how much effect is the recession having on prepared?

  • Tesco gets Intense

    Tesco gets Intense


    Tesco is stocking Dutch-grown Intense round tomatoes grown from seed bred by Dutch seed house Nunhems.

  • Intense tomato

    Tesco stocks non-leaking tomatoes


    The award-winning Intense variety has gone on sale in the UK, with the retailer hailing it as "the best thing since sliced bread"

  • Article

    Size really does matter on the fresh produce shelf


    An FPJ reader asked me recently what I am looking for when I take a trip along the fresh produce aisles. The initial answer is

  • UK top fruit survived some tricky conditions in 2008

    DEFRA reveals UK production levels


    The area of field vegetables grown in the open in the UK has fallen, but the fruit industry has seen an increase in production and value, according to new statistics on fruit and veg production released by DEFRA.

  • English Village Salads is an established tomato supplier

    EVS toms enter Asda stores


    English Village Salads (EVS) scored a fresh produce hat-trick with the launch of locally grown British round tomatoes into selected Asda stores last week.

  • Best of Belgium

    Best of Belgium


    Belgium’s fresh produce may not attract the same attention as its neighbours, but the offer from the small country is no less impressive. As exporters look for continued growth despite the downbeat economic situation, Doris Lee Butterworth talks to leading auctions to discuss their latest plans.

  • Procurement remains key while sector in flux

    Procurement remains key while sector in flux


    The sector continues to feel the effects of problematic weather in South Africa, which has pushed retail prices high and caused supply problems. But all eyes have now turned to Chile, where growers could not wait to get fruit off the vines. Alex Lawson reports.

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    Borneo barrier for mites


    A new acaricide based on the active ingredient etoxazole, Borneo will be available for use this year in protected tomatoes and aubergines.

  • Toms in tight spot

    Toms in tight spot


    The UK tomato industry has had an eventful year, with the loss of Jersey production and the addition of greenhouse development Thanet Earth. Now, as demand for domestic supply continues to increase, growers are calling for more reasonable returns to sustain the industry. Elizabeth O’Keefe reports.

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    Summer lines starting to put in retail appearance


    It must be the burst of summer weather over the weekend that has put an extra lift into soft-fruit sales. Strawberries, in

  • Tomatoes generic

    Spanish growers slam import controls


    Agricultural group COAG has called the EU’s control for Moroccan tomatoes a “joke”, claiming they put in doubt European production

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    Redpack heads for Poland


    Redpack Packaging Machinery is hoping to boost the growing Polish tomato industry following the export of a automatic tomato feed system from its factory in Norwich, bound for the eastern European country.

  • Putting the facts straight

    Putting the facts straight


    The fresh produce industry is built on the foundation of good health and it is this strong, timeless message that will see the sector through its many ups and downs. UK consumers are eager to eat what they are told is good for them and, in recent years, there has been no shortage of health statements on the fruit and vegetable front. But now that European regulations are getting tighter, will the industry still be able to stake its claims? Anna Sbuttoni reports.

  • Hope shines through as clocks move forward

    Hope shines through as clocks move forward


    It is finally looking up for the salad sector this quarter, with UK cucumber and peppers coming on stream and Spanish product returning to form after a cold snap. What’s more, growers and suppliers are finding that orders are steady, despite the economic downturn. Elizabeth O’Keefe reports on the change of tune.

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    Film industry hits Barcelona


    Agricultural film has increased in popularity, despite the criticisms surrounding the use of plastics in the environmental debate.

  • Sarah Calcutt

    MFSS welcomes a fresh perspective


    The Marden Fruit Show Society welcomed in a new chapter in its history with the election of Norman Collett’s Sarah Calcutt as its junior vice-chairman at the East Malling Research Association’s (EMRA) Top Fruit Storage Members’ Day.