Tomato news archive – Page 58

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    MEPs back Spanish claims


    Spanish tomato producers have won a battle in their fight to level what they claim is an unfair playing field with Morocco.

  • Spanish salad supply hiatus brings pressure

    Spanish salad supply hiatus brings pressure


    Supplies across a range of salad lines are being affected by a hiatus in availability from Spain.

  • To tweet or not to tweet?

    To tweet or not to tweet?


    Social media might be firmly entrenched in the daily lives of many Britons, but the fresh produce industry has been relatively slow to get involved. Chloe Ryan asks what the industry has to gain from increased online interaction

  • Morocco seeks UK link

    Morocco seeks UK link


    Moroccan fresh produce has seen a vast improvement over the last five to 10 years since the introduction of free trade and the privatisation of the Maroc Export board. But is the UK marketplace giving it a chance to prove itself? Elizabeth O’Keefe reports

  • hortyfruta

    Action needed to halt slide in prices


    Andalusia’s Hortyfruta calls on Spanish region to take action on prices that fail to cover costs

  • tomatoes

    Fepex to demand action on imports


    Spanish group to appear before EU to outline ‘need’ for action on import price regulations

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    Spanish salad supplier invests €28m


    Spanish salad supplier Bonnysa is investing €28 million in upgrading its production capabilities on the Spanish mainland and in the Canary Islands.

  • Israel’s winter wonders

    Israel’s winter wonders


    Growers and exporters are preparing to fill UK shelves with new season winter lines and even though concerns remain over the state of the UK economy and the exchange rate, producers are hoping the quality of their crops will win consumers over. Doris Lee Butterworth discusses prospects with leading producers

  • Canary Islands salads on the road to recovery

    Canary Islands salads on the road to recovery


    Last year was extremely tough for Canary Islands producers, with low prices, pest problems and tough competition from rivals. But, as Michael Barker explains, things are looking far more optimistic this time around

  • West Midlands seeks out investment

    West Midlands seeks out investment


    As the concept of regionality takes hold of both the industry and the public, focusing on the different production areas of the UK has never been so important. In the lead up to FPJ Conferences’ next stop in its series of events concentrating on individual supply chains throughout the UK, Elizabeth O’Keefe takes a look at how well equipped the fresh produce industry in the West Midlands is at grass roots level

  • India Tomato

    India exploits Pakistan price hike


    The price of fresh produce in Pakistan has spiked in the wake of heavy flooding, creating opportunities for Indian exporters

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    Billions of Spanish insects deployed


    Some 12 billion pest controlling insects have been released in Andalusian greenhouses since the start of August heralding the beginning of winter greenhouse cultivation in the region.

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    Spuds get glamorous in retail race to be different


    The humble spud has always lacked the more exciting qualities of many lines of fresh produce, but there appears to be a

  • Rijk Zwaan Promex's new seed nursery

    Rijk Zwaan makes Mexican investment


    Dutch seed breeder Rijk Zwaan has opened a new production facility in Mexico.

  • Kevin Roberts

    NFU: Horticulture remains key for DEFRA


    Horticulture is still very much at the government’s agenda despite the imminent spending cuts, the National Farmers’ Union has told growers.

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    Wight Salads posts successive losses


    Wight Salads has insisted it is on course to return to profit in the near future despite posting a second successive year of heavy losses.

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    Spanish tomato sector garners support


    Spanish tomato producers are garnering support for their opposition to the proposed EU trade deal with Morocco, agreed earlier this month by the European Commission.

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    Government needs to make its mind up fast


    The mess that is the government’s handling of the future of quangos is fast becoming one of the first big embarrassments

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    New energy levy to hit Irish producers


    Less than six months after the introduction of a carbon levy, Irish producers are to be hit by a second energy surcharge, a five per cent electricity levy taking effect next month.

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    EU-Morocco deal opposition mounts


    European farming body Copa-Cogeca has reiterated its opposition to a draft agreement on liberalising trade between the EU and Morocco, a deal which it warned would have a "catastrophic impact" on EU fruit and vegetable production, especially tomatoes.