Tomato news archive – Page 115

  • Apple production in Belgium is forecast to decline this season, but salad and vegetable produce should fare better

    Mixed blessings for Belgium


    A downturn in EU pear and apple production, predicted by Prognosfruit in August, has now been confirmed by Belgian auctions.

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    Veggies seek Caribbean vibe


    The Vegetarian Society has announced the launch of a range of Caribbean inspired Christmas recipes.

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    Presenting pre-pack trail-blazers


    Presenting fruit in a mixed pack is not new. Papaya and limes have blazed the trail and are available from most retailers. But in Sainsbury's I came across a truly exotic pack of no fewer than seven fruits, admittedly reduced to £1.59, writes the Journal's David Shapley in his regular retail column.

  • Small veg, big ambition

    Small veg, big ambition


    Baby vegetables have made a big impact on the novelty-driven UK market and their success looks set to continue. From the latest in small sweet potatoes to edible courgette flowers, innovation combined with enhanced breeding techniques will help maintain the maximum appeal of mini-veg. Emma Hardy reports.

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    Cherry tom volumes rise


    Agrexco is anticipating good quantities of Israeli cherry tomatoes for export this season.

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    Diagnosis crucial to health of spud crop


    Defra scientists have developed Pocket Diagnostic®, an invaluable resource for maintaining healthy potato crops

  • Peter Falla has died at the age of 71

    Guernsey produce giant Falla dies


    The President of Guernsey's Committee for Horticulture, Deputy Peter Falla, has died in hospital in Southampton.

  • PIP was conceived to help producers in ACP countries supply EU market needs

    PIP protocols set for launch


    Six crop protocols developed under the Pesticides Initiative Programme (PIP) of the EU-African-Caribbean-Pacific liaison committee (ColeACP) are ready for launch next month.

  • Euro Pool Model 13: particularly suitable for Sicily's cherry tomato exports

    And Sicily makes five


    Returnable crate specialist Euro Pool System has announced the opening of a fifth depot in Italy.

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    Fascinated by summer growth


    I've been fascinated this long hot summer watching the growth of prepared fruits in salads. There was a time when retailers seemed to have problems coming up with the right sort of packaging to give a reasonable length of shelf-life without leaking all over the fitment.

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    Food chain discrepancies


    The NFU has highlighted the differences between retail and production price

  • Suppliers in-store at Sainsbury's

    Suppliers in-store at Sainsbury's


    The Greenery UK has collaborated with QV Foods and MBM Produce on an in-store initiative for Sainsbury's

  • Francis Caley, market manager (pictured left) and Geoff Wells (right), president of the market tenants' association, are working closely together to improve market conditions

    New lease of life


    When Liverpool FC went into decline the red half of Merseyside looked to a Frenchman named Gerard to save it. With the city's wholesale market in a similar predicament, Liverpool CC has also gone Gallic, turning to French company Geraud Markets. John Broy reports.

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    Thompson & Morgan release new varieties


    Thompson & Morgan's new varieties for 2004 include blight resistant potatoes

  • Tomatoes for tomorrow

    Tomatoes for tomorrow


    The tomato business has developed rapidly in recent years with an increasing array of products to suit all tastes and demands. The Journal talks to Syngenta's product specialist Andrew Stevenson to reveal the implications of such fast-paced change.

  • Belgians celebrate tomato success

    Belgians celebrate tomato success


    Belgian auction Mechlin records soaring popularity of on-the-vine tomatoes.

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    Demand increases for tomato ingredients


    Tomato ingredients have reached new levels of popularity according to food-processors Beacon Foods.

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    Keep your eye on the GM debate


    It was pointed out to me last week that the fresh produce industry has had very little input into the government's public

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    British produce in lunchbox challenge success


    FoodFen has hailed the "healthy lunchbox challenge" a great success

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    Vine tomatoes hit the spot


    Vine tomatoes are proving to be a big hit with UK consumers, reports the Greenery. Sales increased by 32 per cent in 2002 in comparison to the previous year, making them the best performing tomato type.