Tomato news archive – Page 112

  • Nader Labidi

    Tunisia targets UK market


    The Tunisian fresh produce industry exhibited at Food & Drink Expo, and has singled the UK out as a target market for its citrus and vegetables.

  • Long Life Solutions's Smart Duo Bag extends shelf life in the store and the home

    Long Life Solutions in produce breakthrough


    LLS Long Life Smart Technology may eliminate the need for CA containers in a major breakthrough for the packaging and fresh produce sectors.

  • Salad sales soar

    Salad sales soar


    Dutch salad exports reached an all-time high last year and with new packing equipment and key growth in capsicum, it is not just disease-resistant lettuce that has kept ahead. Emma Hatfield reports.

  • Try another flavour

    Try another flavour


    Burgeoning retail interest has guaranteed UK tomatoes a bigger slice of shelf space this season, while ongoing varietal developments keep growers ahead of shifting consumer demand. Emma Hatfield reports.

  • Morocco utilises strength in depth

    Morocco utilises strength in depth


    Morocco continues to diversify through a range of products as it looks to strengthen its place in the UK market. As ever citrus takes a lead role in exports, but innovative growers are working hard to create new opportunities. John Broy reports.

  • NFU welcomes National School Fruit Scheme expansion

    NFU welcomes National School Fruit Scheme expansion


    The NFU has said that more growers across England will have the chance to supply fresh fruit and vegetables to schools under the National School Fruit Scheme.

  • Sales of loose round tomatoes have been very strong in their first week on the market

    Jersey tomato season kicks off


    The tomato season in Jersey is up and running with first arrivals of new season Elegance large vine tomatoes and beefsteak tomatoes following hot on the heels of Aranca.

  • Del Monte Foods Co reveals third quarter results

    Del Monte Foods Co reveals third quarter results


    The Del Monte Foods Co has reported net sales of $811.1 million for the third quarter ended January 25 2004.

  • WCRF corporate development manager Harriet Chan (she is the banana) spreads the fruity message

    Cancer research - what can you do?


    The Fresh Produce Journal has teamed up with the World Cancer Research Fund to support Fruity Friday: a day (May 14 this year) dedicated to the joy and benefits of eating fruit. In this introductory article, the objectives of the WCRF are explained, along with ways your company can get involved with delivering the fruity message to the UK public.

  • Tesco aims for healthy lunchtime rush

    Tesco aims for healthy lunchtime rush


    Tesco has launched a campaign to persuade office workers to eat healthily.

  • Tomaisin the latest offering from Israel

    Tomaisin the latest offering from Israel


    The Tomaisin is the latest in a long line of new products introduced by the Volcani Centre in Israel.

  • Kumato, grown in Spain

    Black is the new red - if you’re talking tomatoes


    Sainsbury's claims to be the first UK retailer to stock the black tomato variety - Kumato.

  • Senegal singing a new tune

    Senegal singing a new tune


    Senegal is the 14th largest ACP provider of fresh fruit and vegetables to the European Union. This West African country bordering the North Atlantic Ocean is also the largest ACP exporter of cherry tomatoes and the second supplier of green beans and mangoes to the Union. The horticultural sector in Senegal produces a total output of about 370,000 tonnes every year. While cassava, watermelon, cowpeas, squash, tomato, gombo, diakhatou, aubergine and sesame are among the most important crops produced, 95 per cent of the country’s horticultural production is geared towards domestic consumption.

  • Somerfield starts UK tom season

    Somerfield starts UK tom season


    Somerfield is taking delivery next week of its first English cherry tomatoes of the year from Wight Salads.

  • Cranberries stop healthy snack gap

    Cranberries stop healthy snack gap


    Sweetened dried cranberries (SDCs) supplied by Ocean Spray have been incorporated into a new snack bar.

  • Article

    US retail still shows the way


    While the pundits have always claimed that UK supermarkets do the best job in the world, a brief holiday visit to some of the major names in Florida last week showed that the US retailers still have a few tricks up their sleeves, as well as some extra ideas over product and packaging. David Shapley reports.

  • Md and founder of Arava Avi Kadan, left, with David Crossland

    Arava continues on upward curve


    Israeli grower and exporter Arava continues to expand rapidly.

  • Article

    Syngenta innovates with new products


    Syngenta tries to keep one step ahead of consumers and their requirements.

  • Dr Wilhelm Ellinger

    The 33 billion euro industry


    The EU produced 79 million tonnes of fruit and veg in 2003.

  • Article

    Spanish presence outstrips the rest


    With precisely 2,950 square metres Spain had the largest display area at this year’s Fruit Logistica.