Tomato news archive – Page 108

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    Tomato growers face nightmare price scenario


    A difficult year for the British tomato industry was underlined by retail figures presented at the TGA conference.

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    Biological bugs launch new website for tomato consumers


    Amco Produce Inc and Koppert Biological Systems will officially launch a joint new tomato food bio safety website at Fresh Summit 2004.

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    Tomato growers must enhance consumer understanding


    British tomato growers must achieve a closer understanding of consumers' requirements in order to, at the very least, retain their market share.

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    Kitchener call to arms for tomato growers


    Sainsbury's tomato buyer aired some retail views on the categroy at the TGA tomato conference.

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    Earnings forecast to fall for Fresh Del Monte


    Bad weather and low banana prices have led leading fruit supplier Fresh Del Monte Produce to cut its earnings forecast for the full year.

  • Challinor dispenses his wisdom

    Tomato Surgery at West Dean


    Dr Paul Challinor, grower at Humber VHB's Runcton Nursery, answered tomato-related questions from hundreds of visitors to the first day of the Totally Tomato Show, at West Dean Gardens in West Sussex.

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    Salads set world record


    Sainsbury’s British Salad Growers Roadshow has clocked up a world record for the longest salad bar.

  • Health is behind consumers' push for more organics

    Health not environment is organic driver


    Sainsbury's research has found health issues are more of a driver in the purchase of organics than concern for the environment.

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    Stubbins Raleighs round for Catrin


    Catrin Jones, pictured, from Machynellth, had a surprise gift for her 11th birthday when she became the lucky winner of a Raleigh Chopper bicycle, courtesy of Stubbins Marketing.

  • Spain gets pain relief

    Spain gets pain relief


    After a couple of disappointing years for Spanish salads there is great optimism among growers and UK importers the coming season will be a success. Concerns persist, however, about the long-term effects changing weather patterns may have on Spanish production. Tony Leighton reports.

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    Summer turmoil takes hold


    Summer turmoil in the fruit industry over here has had some unpredictable effects. Let's forget the tonnes of melons, peaches

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    The Chip and PINs and outs


    Only one thing is certain for UK retailers concerning the nationwide roll out of Chip & PIN - it’s that there is a choice. IT Monthly asked Commidea md Simon Wilding what it is.

  • Ports look for security

    Ports look for security


    The UK ports industry is the largest in Europe in terms of total tonnage handled. Emma Hatfield looks at how the sector measures up when dealing with new legislation for security and the difficulties currently being encountered in enlarging container port capacity.

  • Tomato talking

    Tomato talking


    The cream of the tomato industry will be getting together for this year's British Tomato Conference.

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    French farmers protest


    Low prices spark protests from French farmers

  • British organic tomatoes have seen a 30 per cent sales uplift at Waitrose this year

    Waitrose outperforms market


    Waitrose and Wight Salads have enjoyed a successful tomato campaign, despite a difficult 12-week spell for the industry.

  • Tomato link-up brings the Med to retail shelves

    Tomato link-up brings the Med to retail shelves


    Leading Edge has produced a range of label booklets for Hellmann’s Olive Oil (Mediterranean) Mayonnaise, to be used with vine tomatoes in three retail chains.

  • Classic round toms are finding the going tough

    Tomatoes hit a slump


    The tomato job in the UK is struggling as a number of factors combine to depress the market and producers.

  • Israel's seven-year hitch is over

    EU-Israel dispute settled


    The seven-year controversy between the EU and Israel regarding labeling products, fresh produce included, has come to a happy end.

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    Defra report slammed


    The farm-gate retail price spreads report sneaked out by Defra recently has disappointed producers and suppliers.