Tomato news archive – Page 106

  • Capsicum is one of the lines to suffer most from cold Spanish weather

    Forecast for more cold in Spain


    More is yet to come in terms of cold weather hampering supplies in major Spanish growing regions.

  • Novelty a key for brassica

    Novelty a key for brassica


    While the UK market for sprouts continues to decline, cauliflower, cabbage and broccoli markets remain fairly stable. As well as striving to improve the performance of traditional brassicas, breeders are helping growers maintain sales through the development of niche sectors, such as purple sprouting broccoli, baby cabbage and coloured cauliflower, reports Sue Jupe.

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    Waitrose pilot must earn wings


    There is no doubt in my mind that Waitrose’s decision to pilot sales of locally grown produce outside its own brand will

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    Label rage the new phenomenon


    New-look labels seem to be all the rage in 2005, writes David Shapley.Marks & Spencer has certainly gone to town with its

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    Joined-up approach


    To start the new year, the Journal’s monthly look at the 5 A DAY campaign features one of its five integral strands -

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    Elkind caps off pepper development


    Israeli developers are hoping to lead the way in the race to develop new peppers, one of the hottest items on the global agriculture market.

  • Gomez puts best in Reserv

    Gomez puts best in Reserv


    By Anabella de Sousa

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    Crystal ball gazing a brave move


    It is a brave man who is prepared to predict anything for the next 12 months, particularly when it comes to fresh produce. But

  • Coloured produce helps fight cancer

    Coloured produce helps fight cancer


    Australian researchers claim eating a wedge of watermelon or having an extra tomato could halve the risk of developing prostate cancer.

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    Sainsbury's bumper Christmas hopes


    Sainsbury’s is expecting a good Christmas when it comes to fresh produce.

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    Israeli tom sendings rise


    Agrexco is expecting a hike in exports of tomatoes to the UK and other markets this season.

  • Brands fired up

    Brands fired up


    Can you Taste the Difference in the Garden of Delights? Who says it’s Nature’s Choice? And whose Finest really is Extra Special? Tony Leighton trawls through the ever expanding list of supermarket own-labels and wonders: Are the days of the traditional brand name really numbered, as many suspect?

  • Light solution for salad

    Light solution for salad


    While supplementary light is enabling some European protected salad growers to produce year-round, there are important challenges to overcome, writes Simon Jones, UK sales manager of Biological Crop Protection (BCP).

  • Redbridge rolls out for school scheme

    Redbridge rolls out for school scheme


    Redbridge is now sending fruit and vegetables to more than 4,000 schools across the UK.

  • Crunch time

    Crunch time


    Next week is crunch time for UK glasshouse lettuce. The European Union’s food safety directorate, DG Sanco, will meet to deliberate the issue of nitrates in lettuce and effectively decide the fate of northern-European, winter, glasshouse-lettuce production.

  • Graham Seymour

    Mapping out tomato genes


    A project to unravel the genetic code of the tomato is under way and could prove invaluable when it comes to breeding strategies, scientists have claimed.

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    Flandria tomatoes up


    Flandria tomato volumes for January and February are likely to be six times higher than last year.

  • Tomatoes run tight

    Tomatoes run tight


    Weather conditions in the main sources of winter production are causing a tightening of availability in tomato supply to the UK marketplace.

  • Global fruit production breakdown 2003

    Banking on a sound future


    Eric Baas, senior industry analyst of the Food & Agribusiness Research and Advisory department of Rabobank International, takes a look at some of the global trends facing the fresh produce industry.

  • Arava gets technological

    Arava gets technological


    The introduction of a computerised system has paid dividends for one winter salad producer.