Tomato news archive – Page 105

  • A scheme to change lives

    A scheme to change lives


    In the first week of a month-long profile on the Schools Fruit and Vegetable Scheme Elspeth Waters looks at the governing bodies behind the scheme, its latest developments and the targets in place for the future.

  • Less waste, more speed

    Less waste, more speed


    The customer is changing fast. Is the flower trade? Perhaps not fast enough, argues Jonathon Read of the Flower Council of Holland, sponsor of this year’s Re:fresh Floral Business of the Year Award.

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    Spanish fresh produce pioneer dies, aged 76


    José Maria Pascual has died at the age of 76.

  • Are you exposed to weather risk?

    Are you exposed to weather risk?


    Weather is the oldest risk factor that affected the first agricultural pioneers. Yet many managers have just learned to accept weather uncertainty as a given, and live with its impact on their businesses. However, with a growing weather financial market and a variety of weather services and instruments now available, can you keep blaming it on the weather any longer? Anabella de Sousa reports.

  • Prices strong for Canary produce

    Prices strong for Canary produce


    Strong prices for Canary Islands tomatoes mean the season so far has already outperformed last year's.

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    Tiger tomatoes earn their stripes


    FRUIT LOGISTICA: Israel was showing off ‘Tiger Tomatoes’, a cherry tomato with black stripes, at Fruit Logistica in Berlin last week.

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    New Dutch tomato range


    FRUIT LOGISTICA: Dutch producers launched a new tomato range onto the world market at Fruit Logistica last week.

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    The start of Chinese invasion?


    China already grows more apples than the rest of the world and is still planting hard, so I wonder if I experienced the start

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    Better tasting Dutch tomatoes


    FRUIT LOGISTICA: Tomatoes with “significantly enhanced flavour” was the offering from Dutch co-operative The Greenery in Berlin.

  • Brian Hibberd, md of Abbey View Produce

    UK cues tip the balance


    With tightening margins and rationalisation, English cucumber growers are being forced to balance the need for minimising overheads while producing higher volumes for longer periods. However, with the current instability of Spanish temperatures, now may be the time to invest in the technology required for year-round production. Elspeth Waters reports.

  • Taste still tops consumer purchasing inluences

    Taste still tops consumer purchasing inluences


    New research by the Produce Marketing Association (PMA) that explored what makes consumers decide to buy fresh produce has found that taste remains the top purchase influencer.

  • Tesco slashes produce prices

    Tesco slashes produce prices


    Tesco has slashed the price on a number of produce items, in what it claims is a bid to get people eating healthily.

  • UK seeks alternatives as Spanish freeze takes toll

    UK seeks alternatives as Spanish freeze takes toll


    It is a case of filling the gaps with fruit from other sources as supplies from Spain continue to be severely disrupted.

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    Israel in neighbourly fruit-fly gesture


    Technology from Israel will help growers in other Middle East countries to eradicate the Mediterranean fruit fly.

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    UK toms make early start


    The UK tomato season has kicked off slightly early this year with growers cautiously optimistic for a better campaign than in 2004.

  • Is fruit juice healthy?

    Is fruit juice healthy?


    While the health debate continues to rage, nutritionists are now warning that fruit juices and smoothies may not be as healthy as we think.

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    Sourcing mysteries in the aisles


    While it is generally agreed that international production of many fruit and vegetables has already reached glut proportions,

  • The shape of things to come

    The shape of things to come


    In this week’s profile on seeds we look at the developments in tomato shapes, colours and sizes with Zeraim Gedera, the work MBM is doing on new potato varieties and how Nirit Seeds is meeting the demands of specialility markets.

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    Waitrose claims first for UK cherry tomatoes


    Waitrose is laying claim to being the first retailer to stock UK grown cherry tomatoes, from the Isle of Wight.

  • Asda's Smartprice "lunacy"

    Asda's Smartprice "lunacy"


    Asda has taken banana prices to a new low in the launch of its Smartprice on produce and come in for trade criticism.