All articles by Tom Joyce – Page 85
Turkey targets Asia and Gulf
The recent focus on Asia from both Turkish exporters and the Turkish government shows the market’s growing importance, but the Middle East remains crucial
Fresh support to continue in 2015
Further emergency assistance has been promised by the European Commission as the Russian ban continues to bite
Poland adjusting to Russian embargo
CHANGING MARKETS: The Russian ban has forced Polish exporters to look beyond their massive neighbour and seek alternative markets in Asia and the Gulf, as well as back home
Russia in rush for replacements
CHANGING MARKETS: Julia Ten, head of Russian importer Frujet’s St Petersburg branch, provides an update on the challenges being faced on the Russian market amid the continuing produce embargo.
Weather hits volumes in Israel
Unfavourable conditions in Israel have resulted in widescale crop damage, lowering production and upping prices
Chiquita move comes under scrutiny
The motivation behind Cutrale-Safra's decision to use Vlissingen as its northern European banana port instead of Antwerp has been strongly questioned by the Belgian New Fruit Wharf
Emerging markets grab attention
CHANGING MARKETS: The Russian embargo is just the latest in a long list of occurrences that has shifted interest away from established markets and towards the likes of Asia, the Middle East and Africa.
Blue Whale and Valdiloire come together
The two French apple producers have long enjoyed a strong relationship, but the new merger will benefit from the use of a single brand
End of sanctions on Iran to aid UAE
A termination of the sanctions currently imposed on Iran would benefit trade with the UAE, say analysts
Chiquita swaps Antwerp for Vlissingen
Chiquita bananas are reportedly set to unload at the Dutch port of Vlissingen in the future, instead of Antwerp in Belgium
Euro dive to lower UAE prices
The recent fall in the value of the euro has reportedly made imports into the UAE as much as 15 per cent cheaper
Poles protest huge mine proposal
Plans to build a new coalmine and power plant in Krobia and Miejska Górka have attracted major opposition from local farmers
Kenya returns to duty-free access
The EU has decided to reinstate Kenyan exports, which will once again benefit from duty-free access to the market
Légumes de France re-elects president
Continued support was shown last week for Légumes de France president Jacques Rouchaussé, who stressed the need to assist producers
Strikes bother Belgian business
A general strike in Belgium is set to cause minor disruptions to the sector, with air shipments likely to be the most affected
Prince de Bretagne offers prizes
From next week, the French marketer will give consumers the chance of winning prizes by purchasing its shallots
Eosta gives fruit a friendly face
The Dutch organic specialist's Nature & More system has helped another grower to connect directly with consumers
Equality nears for US potatoes
In the US, potatoes are closer to gaining equality with other vegetables as Congress prepares to approve their inclusion in national nutrition programme
LuLu intent on expansion
The UAE retailer has revealed major growth plans, both in existing markets like India, and in new markets like Sri Lanka
Strike shuts down port of Antwerp
In protest against austerity measures, striking Belgian workers caused the closure of the port of Antwerp yesterday