All articles by Tom Joyce – Page 67
Regal’in earns Saveur de l’Année
The French brand’s flat peaches have been awarded the Saveur de l’Année mark on the eve of their appearance at Fruit Attraction
Moroccan berries on UK mission
A number of exporters of Moroccan berries arrived in London this week for one-on-one meetings with UK importers, with the aim of growing exports to the country
Egypt in talks to end Russia ban
Egypt’s AEC is in negotiations to end the ban on Egyptian produce exports to Russia before the start of the citrus campaign in December
McDo France secures apple supplies
The fast food chain has signed a three-year deal with cooperative Cofruid’Oc in France to guarantee supplies of locally produced apples for its children’s menu
Delhaize streams pear harvest
The Belgian pear harvest can now be followed live online, as retailer Delhaize highlights the Belgian origin and the freshness of its offering
Rungis groups in cooperation deal
Two French companies based in Paris’s international wholesale market have signed a deal to strengthen cooperation on fighting food waste, improving diets and building social cohesion
Turkish lemons face EU obstacles
As the EU suffers a glut of lemons from Argentina, Turkish exporters may have to deal with the effects of tighter controls and higher transport costs
Russia considers ban on Egyptian citrus
Russian-Egyptian relations have been dealt a further blow, with Russia threatening to ban Egyptian citrus and no resumption of direct flights
Idyl discovers eco solution
For its organic brand, Tribu Ecolo, French-Moroccan producer Idyl is using the fibres of recycled tomato plants to create ecological packaging
Tomates de Toulouse get investment
French greenhouse vegetable grower Les Serres de Bessières is increasing production of its Tomates de Toulouse, with investments set to grow to €16m
Pomanjou Group evolves into Innatis
The French apple group’s recent growth has encouraged it to update its identity to reflect its core values of innovation, nature and tradition
Ahold-Delhaize faces FNLI complaint
The newly merged Ahold-Delhaize has been accused of squeezing suppliers in a way that violates Dutch industry behaviour codes
Bayer defends Monsanto deal
Bayer has argued that its mooted acquisition of Monsanto will create a “global leader in agriculture" and will not fall foul of the competition authorities
Algerians promote at Moscow fair
Algeria exhibited for the very first time at this week’s WorldFood Moscow exhibition, with a combined pavilion for over 20 exporters
Tackling the packaging problem
Limiting the amount of unsustainable packaging is a constant challenge in the produce industry, above all for organics, with Eosta leading the way
French kiwifruit closes in on Vietnam
Rapid progress is being made in negotiations to allow French kiwifruit to enter Vietnam before the start of the next campaign
Device gauges apple ripeness
A new handheld gadget may finally put an end to the maturity lottery, assessing the ripeness of fruit by estimating the chlorophyll content in the skin
Peru eyes progress in China
The Latin American country is eager to finalise protocols with China for a number of products, including blueberries and quinoa
Giant-Landover offers free fruit
Children visiting US stores of parent company Ahold-Delhaize will reportedly be offered a free piece of fruit, as efforts are ramped up to improve diets of youngsters
Moroccan exports to Spain on the up
In the first three months of 2016, Spanish imports of Moroccan fruit and vegetables grew by a sizeable 26 per cent