All articles by Tom Joyce – Page 51
French unhappy with flavour
A new poll has found that French shoppers are critical of the flavour of fruit sold in the supermarkets, with little correlation seen between price and intensity of flavour
Aldi acts on black plastic
The retailer has revealed that it is phasing out difficult-to-recycle black plastic trays on its fruit and vegetables in the UK
Ecovia predicts organic consolidation
Ecovia Intelligence, the UK-based analyst of the organic sector, believes recent acquisitions by Europe’s retailers are a mark of things to come
Conference handles the heat
The prolonged summer heat wave has produced earlier, shorter Conference pears in Belgium, but nothing is expected to derail the variety’s growing popularity
Russia bans Serbian stonefruit
Following the discovery of brown rot on imports of stonefruit from Serbia and Macedonia, Russian authorities have introduced a temporary ban
Delhaize launches Junk Fruit
The Belgian retailer hopes to boost fruit consumption with its new range of fresh-cut and packaged fruit snacks, especially among children
Drought threat to EU processors
A sustained period of drought this summer has resulted in sharp declines in EU vegetable yields, leading to smaller, less regular deliveries to processors
Iran reeling from Trump effect
US president Donald Trump’s abandonment of the Iran nuclear deal, one of his predecessors’ key achievements, looks set to isolate the country once more
Gove pledges drought support
Defra secretary Michael Gove calls for increased flexibility to help drought-hit farmers in the UK, but the NFU urges efforts to also address market volatility
BelOrta marks 25 years on the vine
The Belgian cooperative organised a celebration this week to commemorate 25 years since vine tomatoes were first supplied at the auction
AgroFresh launches FreshCloud
AgroFresh Solutions’ new data-backed platform to predict product quality aims to improve freshness and reduce waste in the supply chain
Agrial partners with Saladexpress
The French group has the North American market in its sights with a new partnership with Quebec-based processor Saladexpress
BFV reports record cherry sales
Ideal weather conditions helped Belgian Fruit Valley harvest a record cherry crop this season, even if export opportunities remained limited
Kibsons steps up handling efficiency
The Dubai trader’s new warehouse at Al-Aweer will feature mechanised handling equipment from Al-Bahar to boost efficiency
ECJ stands firm on gene editing
The European Court of Justice has ruled that gene-edited crops will be subject to the same restrictive EU regulations as GMOs
Warnings over no-deal Brexit
Academics highlight the multiple risks of a no-deal Brexit, warning against the disaster of suspending food safety controls on imports
Pink Lady prepares new packaging
Pink Lady Europe is developing new packaging designs tailored to specific seasonal events and national holidays to strengthen awareness of the brand
Metis returns to shelves in UK
Stonefruit brand Metis is set to build on last year’s successful UK launch, with new designs and variety names highlighting the range’s distinctive varieties
Greenyard hit by frozen recall
Greenyard estimates the cost of the recall following the listeria outbreak at its frozen factory in Hungary at €30m, while shares also dip
Scaap welcomes government visit
French cooperative Scaap Kiwifruits showed off the innovations being made in Les Landes during a visit from the French agriculture minister