All articles by Tom Joyce – Page 108
Delhaize sees revenue rise
The Belgian retailer has reported growth for the full year, aided by strong performances in southeastern Europe and Asia
FNPE becomes the UEF
The federation of French endives producers has changed its name to the union of French endives producers
Apple brand Joya to target teen market
Joya is looking to attract teenage consumers to the apple brand with a sporty image on its release at the end of January
Martinique strikes hit banana supplies
Banana volumes are stranded on the island of Martinique as the continuing dispute at Fort-de-France port disrupts shipments
Herry joins French ministry
Formerly of Interfel, Xavier Herry has moved to the agriculture ministry to drive the food sector through partnerships
Mike Rodgers joins Giumarra
The Chilean fruit expert has been taken on by the California-based company to head its East Coast operations
Psa threatens NZ kiwifruit exports
The disease could cause export returns to fall by 25 per cent by 2013, according to New Zealand's ministry of agriculture
Carrefour set to make acquisition
The French retailer looks set to snap up Guyenne et Gascogne to strengthen its position in southwest France
Denmark sets ambitious organic plan
The country's government has set a target of having 60 per cent of public sector food grown organically in two years
French apple crop up
French apple production may be higher than last season, but growers remain concerned about the low price level
Priméale focuses on pleasure
For 2012, the French vegetable specialist has decided to centre its image on the notion of pleasure
Carrefour ups South American presence
The French retailer has signalled its intent in South America with the opening of two new stores, in Argentina and Colombia
Gaza strawberries offered opening
Israel has loosened its vice-like grip on Gaza by allowing the export of various goods, including the first strawberries of the season
Enza’s red kiwifruit reaches Italy
The new EnzaRed kiwifruit has just been launched in Italy, where commercial plantings are soon to begin
Pink Lady caters for kids
The European apple brand has launched a new product targeted specifically at children: PinKids
Forgotten veg gains spotlight
A fair in Belgium has highlighted the growing appetite of both chefs and consumers for 'forgotten' vegetables
Safmarine quits Tangiers
Poor service has persuaded the shipping line to switch its operations from Tangiers to ports on Spain's southern coast
Chicory producers face possible fine
In France, competition authorities have threatened to fine chicory producers for harmonising prices
Banagrumes invests at Rungis
The banana importer has made some crucial investments at its facilities in Paris, with the creation of new ripening chambers
Ripe market opens in Abu Dhabi
The United Arab Emirates this week gained its second organic produce market, courtesy of local organisation Ripe