All articles by Tom Joyce – Page 105
UNFD names new president
Following last week's meeting of the UNFD, Christel Teyssèdre has been handed the presidency
Swiss group attacks imports
A group in Switzerland has railed against counterseasonal imports and their effect on the environment and small producers
Summit covers sustainability and waste
Sustainable sourcing, food waste and food authenticity will be among the main topics discussed at June's Sustainable Foods Summit
Medfel returns to Perpignan
The French show is back next month to create a forum for traders throughout the Mediterranean region
Metral Fruits acquires Chanabel
In southeastern France, bankrupt cooperative Chanabel has been taken over by supplier Metral Fruits
Direct sales for Greek potatoes
As producers and consumers suffer the effects of Greece's economic collapse, a new scheme has been devised that is beneficial for both
Green light for Bonduelle in Russia
The French group has gained the approval of the Russian competition authorities to take over Coubanskie Conservi
Lebanon touched by Syrian turmoil
Exports of Lebanese products to Syria have been affected by the present violence, but not to the extent that was previously feared
Face time for Touquet Savour
The French potato supplier has seen a significant rise in sales since it started displaying the producer's face on its packaging
Chicory producers contest fine
Accused of price-fixing and faced with a heavy fine, chicory producers in northern France are prepared to protest
Grand Castle plans home deliveries
The Dubai-based supplier is set to introduce a new, flexible home delivery service to the UAE market
Algeria turns to hydroponics
With water scarce, the North African country is stepping up its efforts to ensure food security with hydroponic greenhouse technology
West Bank growers eye Israeli market
While many retailers and consumers in Israel remain averse to West Bank-grown produce, change appears to be nigh
Algeria in market redevelopment plan
The North African country is making a huge investment to modernise its fruit and vegetable markets so they meet the highest standards
Carrefour sales betray dependence
The French retailer's financial performance for 2011 reveals its increasing reliance on emerging markets like Asia and Latin America
Guadeloupe melons gain PGI
Melons grown on the French West Indian islands have been awarded PGI status, according to the INAO
Radio time for French kiwifruit
A radio campaign has been launched in France to educate consumers about domestically grown kiwifruit
Berry Gardens ups UK raspberry share
The soft fruit marketer has seen its share of the UK market soar in the past year, aided by new production in Morocco
Organic sales drop in 2011
According to the Soil Association, the fall in sales of organics is down to retailer cutbacks on own-brand organics
Event looks at solutions for Africa
Cool Logistics Africa will discuss the major logistical hurdles faced by African companies when it arrives in Cape Town next month