All Spain articles – Page 177

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    Spanish organics on show


    Manning the CAAE stand at the Natural Products show this week were Martina Hartmann (pictured left) from Bionest Ecologico, Huelva and Martina Otten, from Campina Verde in Cordoba.

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    Spain makes berry recovery


    Spanish strawberries finally look like they might be recovering from a disastrous start to the season.

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    Spanish strawberry prices tumble


    Spanish strawberry growers face another bleak season in the face of disappointing returns.

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    Weather wreaks havoc in Spain


    The strawberry season in Huelva has been all but washed away by storms and heavy rainfall.

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    Spain sees crop reduced


    Last season's high volume citrus season is taking its toll on trees in 2000-01 with less fruit being produced.

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    Labour crisis threatens Spanish crops


    A shortage of agricultural workers in Spain's Murcia region is threatening the harvest of a number of fruit and vegetable lines.

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    Spanish clem crop runs short


    Easy-peeler supply from Spain could be significant by its absence after Christmas.

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    Spain set for early start


    Weather conditions in Huelva are favouring an early start to the strawberry season.

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    Spanish citrus must get organised


    One of the largest co-operatives in Spain is calling for urgent action and structural change in the Spanish citrus sector to avoid the oversupply and low prices, which plagued producers last season.

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    Spain forecasts top-fruit decline


    Spanish growers will have smaller crops of apples and pears this season.

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    Spanish denounce reform proposals


    Growers in Spain have criticised proposed reforms of the EU fruit and vegetable regime.

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    Strawberry season tries Spanish patience


    Thanks to the highest rainfall levels in 50 years and tricky market conditions, Spanish strawberry-growers are reaching the end of a disastrous season.

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    Spanish berry struggle


    Strawberry supplies from Spain could take a week to 10 days to recover from a disappointing Easter.

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    Spain's citrus crisis worsens


    Producers are taking action and asking for aid in the worst citrus season for a generation.

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    Spanish cherry deal signed and sealed


    Marketing agreement formed between Agrupacion de Co-operatives-Valle del Jerte and Redbridge Holdings, confirming Redbridge Produce Marketing & AFI Direct Sales as the sole UK representatives for the co-operatives's exports of Picota cherries, stemmed cherries and berry fruits.

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    Spanish lettuce under pressure


    Leading lettuce-growing region Murcia is facing more production problems

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    Market mayhem for Spanish citrus


    Citrus markets are in disarray across Europe having an effect on all supply countries, but as the largest citrus source in Europe, the Spanish are particularly hard hit.

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    Spanish tackle oversupply


    Grower-exporter organisations in Spain are taking action to reduce a desperate oversupply situation in iceberg lettuce

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    Spanish citrus crisis


    A low price and quality-affected season are making 1999-2000 one of the most difficult in recent years for some of Spain's citrus growers.

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    Late Spanish easy-peelers start picking


    Grower organisations in Spain are calling on producers not to harvest late-season easy peelers Fortuna and Ortaline too soon as the harvest gets under way this week.