All Spain articles – Page 174

  • The Spanish raspberry season is recovering from a shaky start

    Spanish raspberry revival


    Availability of raspberries from Spain is picking up, but weather patterns remain crucial.

  • Citrus picking resumes in Spain

    Citrus picking resumes in Spain


    The Spanish citrus season is back on track after rain delayed harvesting.

  • Spain has experienced a cold and damp spell in the last few days.

    Spanish exporters suffer cold snap


    Exporters of Spanish vegetables and salads have been experiencing problems with a cold and damp spell .

  • Exports of Spanish oranges are set to rise again this year

    Spanish citrus climb


    A national forecast from Spain estimates the country's citrus exports are likely to climb this season on last year's record levels.

  • Nicolas Belmonte

    Spanish citrus shines on


    The Spanish citrus sector organisation Intercitrus does not see “any clouds on the horizon” for the upcoming campaign. According to its president Nicolas Belmonte, total citrus production for the country is expected to top five million tonnes.

  • Spanish salads survive heatwave

    Spanish salads survive heatwave


    As the new Spanish salads season get underway optimism is high within the UK for a rewarding campaign. Hot weather, though, has played its part and may cause a few early season headaches. John Broy reports.

  • Spanish citrus has battled all the usual weather conditions in different measure to start slightly later than usual this year

    Spanish citrus delayed


    Citrus production in the leading Spanish region of Valencia is expected to fall slightly by five per cent this season as the harvest starts late.

  • Spanish lemon forecast up

    Spanish lemon forecast up


    Early indications from the main Spanish lemon growing area of Murcia are for a slightly increased crop in 2003.

  • The Picota cherry benefitted from the Foods from Spain campaign

    Promotion success for Spanish Picota


    Foods from Spain has pronounced itself delighted with the success of the 2003 campaign for Spanish Picota cherries.

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    Spanish berry industry counts its losses


    Growers in Huelva were licking their wounds at this month's strawberry roundtable in south-western Spanish region.

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    Spanish citrus growth


    Spanish citrus trade organisation Intercitrus is forecasting increased exports and earnings in the 2003-04 season.

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    Spain: strawbs need EU enlargement


    According to one producers' leader, the Spanish strawberry sector needs an enlarged EU in order to lift itself out of crisis following its worst season in 16 years.

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    Spanish growers count losses


    Spanish strawberry producers are licking their wounds at the end of a harrowing season.

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    Spanish react to toll threats


    Spanish producer and trade organisations are calling on regional, national and EU authorities to prevent the introduction in France and Germany of new road tolls for lorries.

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    Spain's stone-fruit opportunity


    Peach and nectarine production in Spain is set to benefit from reduced crops elsewhere in Europe with volumes on a par with last year.

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    Spanish onion prices suffer


    Spanish producer associations are drawing attention to the plight of onion growers as prices plummet.

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    Spanish berry season hits another glitch


    Spain's strawberries have hit another glitch as a troubled season winds down.

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    Spanish growers speak out


    Spain's horticulture sector has joined together to speak out against the latest proposals from the European Commission and European Parliament for reform of the common agricultural policy.

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    Spanish co-ops join forces


    Two of the best known winter vegetables and salads suppliers have teamed up.

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    Cold sweeps southern Spain


    Temperatures in the key salad and vegetable growing areas of Murcia and Almeria in southern Spain have been dipping below zero again causing plant growth to slow and in some instances resulting in direct frost damage to crops.