All Spain articles – Page 172

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    Spanish citrus drop


    Spanish Navelina production is being forecast to fall by up to 60 per cent, producers claimed.

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    Spanish take a stand


    Melon growers in Spain’s leading production area of Castilla-La Mancha are taking a stand against low prices.

  • Spanish stone fruit on a roll

    Spanish stone fruit on a roll


    Official crop estimates for Spain's stone fruit lines are being revisted by agronomists.

  • Spanish exports slide

    Spanish exports slide


    Exports from Spain have dipped in volume terms and values are not enough to compensate across many lines.

  • Spain looks for alternatives

    Spain looks for alternatives


    A difficult season for strawberry production in Spain this year has been well documented. But a sectorial plan in place and investment outside Andalusia are proving not only that strawberries are not the only soft fruit, but also that Huelva is not the only growing area. Kathy Hammond reports.

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    Spanish co-ops join forces


    Two leading lights in the Almería growing community have joined forces to give themselves a stronger footing in negotiations with the multiples.

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    Technology to boost quality of Spanish watermelon exports


    Spanish producers are hoping to improve the quality of watermelons with the use of new technology.

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    Tagging adopted in Spain


    A Spanish retailer has announced plans to use Radio frequency tagging (RFID) within the fresh produce area of a new logistics centre.

  • Egyptian oranges are angering Spanish growers

    Spanish decry Egyptian imports


    Citrus growers in Spain are protesting the arrival of peach-fly infected oranges from Egypt.

  • Spanish berries under attack

    Spanish berries under attack


    Spanish strawberry growers federation Freshuelva is warning that unfair competition with Morocco and China has placed Spanish production under serious threat.

  • Spanish raspberries to last longer

    Spanish raspberries to last longer


    Raspberries from Huelva appear to be recovering from a rocky start to their season.

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    Spanish fresh produce pioneer dies, aged 76


    José Maria Pascual has died at the age of 76.

  • Juan Vicente Safont

    Spain tops the tree


    Spain may be in the throes of one of its worst citrus seasons on record, but trade organisation Intercitrus is keeping its eye on the ball in terms of longer term citrus promotion. Association president Juan Vicente Safont explains.

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    Spain needs more space


    FRUIT LOGISTICA: Spanish producers will need even more space at Fruit Logistica next year, said David Carmona from the commercial section of the Spanish Consulate General.

  • Spanish citrus continues to suffer

    Spanish citrus continues to suffer


    More misfortune has been heaped on the citrus sector in Valencia as persistent rainfall at the end of last week prevented harvesting before giving way to hail storms on February 7 and 8.

  • Field crops under snow in the Spanish south-east

    Severe frost disrupts Spanish supplies


    Crops in Spain are being severely affected by the worst winter to strike the south and east of the country in 20 years.

  • Capsicum is one of the lines to suffer most from cold Spanish weather

    Forecast for more cold in Spain


    More is yet to come in terms of cold weather hampering supplies in major Spanish growing regions.

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    Fepex to introduce new Spanish order


    Spanish exporters’ federation Fepex is making restoring profitability to horticulture producers and exporters a matter of urgency for 2005.

  • Spain counters arch berry enemy

    Spain counters arch berry enemy


    Spanish berry producers are gearing up for what looks set to be a good season. New varieties are high on the agenda and innovative production methods are helping the Spanish combat their arch enemy - the weather.

  • Spain looks to score with ITUM

    Spain looks to score with ITUM


    With the trend in European markets - and especially the UK - for fewer customers expecting more and buying larger volumes for less, there is constant pressure on fresh produce. Grape growers in Spain are coming up with novel solutions to meet these exacting demands, writes kathy Hammond.