All Spain articles – Page 111

  • Article

    Spanish count rainfall costs


    Torrential rainfall in Spain at the end of last week that claimed 10 lives has devastated production for some growers - but benefited others.

  • Spain: Spain keeps UK retailers  stocked

    Spain: Spain keeps UK retailers stocked


    Spain is a crucial supplier of produce to the UK, and the relationship has built up over many decades and indeed centuries. Kathy Hammond speaks to John Grieve of Lisons to hear more

  • Weather devastation in Italy and Spain revealed

    Weather devastation in Italy and Spain revealed


    The impact of the cold weather that has gripped Europe in the past few weeks is beginning to be laid bare with regions in Italy and Spain reporting product losses of between 80 and 100 per cent in some cases.

  • Spain to UK fresh produce rail service restarts

    Spain to UK fresh produce rail service restarts


    Stobart Group has restarted a low-carbon rail-freight service that carries 30 chilled containers of fruit and vegetables from Spain to supermarkets and retailers in the UK.

  • Foods from Spain art goes on tour

    Foods from Spain art goes on tour


    The winning artwork of the Foods from Spain National Primary Schools Competition 2011 is touring the West Midlands.

  • St Laurence CE Primary School

    Foods from Spain unveils competition winner


    Foods from Spain has announced the winner of its fifth annual National Primary Schools Competition to promote Spanish fresh produce.

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    Foods from Spain gets social


    Foods from Spain is focusing on online media in its campaign to raise the profile of four types of Spanish berry.

  • Florida and Spain bear brunt of citrus challenges

    Florida and Spain bear brunt of citrus challenges


    The Spanish citrus sector has issued repeated warnings over the last three months, with growers and exporters seeking to prevent the collapse of the European citrus heavyweight. But other sources are concentrating on the renewed focus on New Year detoxes and the uplift in demand. Anna Sbuttoni reports

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    Brakes adopts rail link from Spain


    Brakes has signed up to use the Eddie Stobart railfreight link from Spain to bring fresh produce into the UK for its subsidiary, Pauleys.

  • Spain planes set for BA merger

    Spain planes set for BA merger


    British Airways (BA) and Iberia Airlines have reached a yet-to-be-finalised agreement to merge, in a deal which could vastly streamline cargo haulage via airfreight.

  • Battle of the chefs heads to Spain

    Battle of the chefs heads to Spain


    Foods from Spain is inviting up-and-coming student chefs to design a meal using Spanish fruits - and win a working break in Spain at El Bulli, voted the world’s best restaurant.

  • The winning collage last year

    Foods from Spain targets kids


    Foods from Spain has announced its plan of action for 2008 and has revealed it will again run its national healthy eating competition for children in English primary schools, as well as a new logo for the fresh produce campaign.

  • Plum job for Foods from Spain

    Plum job for Foods from Spain


    Foods from Spain is hoping to build on last year’s successful promotion of Extremaduran plums during the 2007 campaign.

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    Italy, Spain face water issues


    Italy, and Spain are facing adverse farming conditions that could lead to lower yields this year.

  • Spain's pain is Israel's gain

    Spain's pain is Israel's gain


    Israeli capsicum growers have found increased export opportunities this season as product from Spain has been hit by the pesticide-residue discoveries on samples from Almeria.

  • Foods from Spain targets younger audience

    Foods from Spain targets younger audience


    Primary schoolchildren are being invited to learn about fresh produce from Spain by Spanish embassy organisation Foods from Spain, whilst having the chance to win up to £2,000 to spend on school equipment or facilities.

  • Spain ranks second at FL

    Spain ranks second at FL


    With 311 exhibitors Spain was the second-largest exhibiting country at this year’s Fruit Logistica.

  • Morocco looks to benefit from Spain's misfortune

    Morocco looks to benefit from Spain's misfortune


    Moroccan citrus growers are reaping the benefits of Spain’s recent adverse weather conditions.

  • Time to look at Spain

    Time to look at Spain


    Northern Spain has perfect growing conditions for certain apples but, according to one grower, for too long rigid attitudes and exclusivity have kept its producers out of the limelight, writes Elspeth Waters.

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    SA citrus exporters urged to avoid Spain


    South African citrus exporters are being urged to avoid shipping fruit to Spain due to stringent inspection processes.