All South Africa articles – Page 110

  • South Africa bullish on citrus

    South Africa bullish on citrus


    South African citrus growers and exporters are bullish about the start of the season, which will start up to 10 days late, with easy peelers coming onto the market in the next few weeks.

  • South African size matters

    South African size matters


    Apple size from South Africa is likely to be on the small side across most varieties but quality is looking good.

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    Colors in carbon breakthrough


    South African fruit exporter Colors is among seven companies forming the third wave of partners in a ground-breaking carbon emissions trial.

  • Electricity problems are hampering the supply chain

    South African growers in the dark


    An energy shortage in South Africa is seriously hampering fruit growers who are in the process of harvesting and packing their fruit.

  • Late start fails to deter South African grape industry

    Late start fails to deter South African grape industry


    South African table grape crops are more than two weeks behind schedule due to unusually cold weather at the beginning of the season, and many fear that the industry will miss out on the UK’s Christmas trade. But despite the delay, key players are betting on a good season and a high-quality crop. Elizabeth O’Keefe reports.

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    South African fined for fruit export fraud


    South African businessman Francois Heyns has been fined R50,000 for defrauding two European companies on fruit export deals.

  • New packhouse to boost SA sendings

    New packhouse to boost SA sendings


    Fruit exports from one of South Africa’s leading fruit-growing regions have been boosted by the opening of a new packhouse, at Joubertina in the Langkloof.

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    Southern hemisphere apple warning


    Southern hemisphere apple exporters must be careful not to upset the market balance once their season begins, European top-fruit sector representatives are warning.

  • Sweet and early from South Africa

    Sweet and early from South Africa


    First arrivals of South African Early Sweet white seedless grapes are expected on the UK market within the next few days as the variety embarks on its first commercial season.

  • Capespan has launched its Outspan brand at Morrisons for the first time, with a flurry of activity

    South African citrus wobbles


    South African citrus have suffered a difficult season, with quality problems and volumes down on some crops.

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    SA grape man taken to court


    A Cape Town businessman has appeared in court after allegations he defrauded a Dutch company of over R1 million in a grape export deal, according to

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    Exosex launching in South Africa


    Insect pest control provider Exosect has announced plans to launch its mating disruption product Exosex CM into South Africa, in conjunction with distributor Biogrow.

  • South African grape industry to consolidate

    South African grape industry to consolidate


    Consolidation in the South African table grape industry is afoot.

  • Capespan under pressure

    Capespan under pressure


    Last year proved to be one of its most challenging years yet for Capespan with total volumes of fruit marketed and net profits considerably down.

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    South Africa welcomes Hishtil


    Hishtil Nurseries, Israel's largest grower of vegetable plants, has signed an agreement to set up a nursery in South Africa.

  • Selection of Outspan satsumas

    South African citrus sets sail


    The first volumes of Outspan easy-peel are on the water as South Africa contends with a mix of weather conditions at the season's outset.

  • Redbridge wins Bon Cap deal

    Redbridge wins Bon Cap deal


    Redbridge Worldfresh has secured exclusive rights to market Bon Cap grapes in the British Isles.

  • South Africa tackles overproduction issues

    South Africa tackles overproduction issues


    “Two years ago we celebrated going above one million tonnes of citrus production, the next celebration will be when we go back below 1m cartons,” said Citrus Growers’ Association ceo Justin Chadwick.

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    Onion innovation from South Africa


    When it comes to the southern hemisphere, innovation is the order of the day, the BOPA conference heard.

  • South Africa grapples with bumper crop

    South Africa grapples with bumper crop


    South African exporters are busy getting grapes on the water as they prepare for strong end of year sales. Doris Lee Butterworth reports