All Slovenia articles
Greece targets supermarkets for greater transparency on pricing
Deceptive supermarket promotions are in the firing line across eastern Europe and Greece, as governments look to protect farmers and consumers
Slovenian apples star in AI-generated Spar advert
Retailer says its new promotional video was created using only text descriptions, store photos, and advanced AI technology
Europe’s pear production begins slow recovery
Volumes in Italy and France set to rebound after weather-affected campaign, but growers in Belgium, Netherlands and Spain expect significant decline in production
EU apple crop shrinks amid continued climate uncertainty
Next season’s volume set to fall to around 10.2m tonnes, mainly as a result of declining production in the eastern part of the continent
EU to ban plastic packaging for fruit and veg
Fresh produce industry expected to mount ‘legal challenge’ against PPWR, which singles out plastic packaging for fresh fruit and vegetables but leaves other food categories unaffected
Concerns remain high over impact of EU’s proposed plastic ban
As MEPs and EU member states consider outlawing plastic packaging for fruit and veg, industry leaders fear such a move could do enormous damage, as is already predicted in Canada
Industry alliance criticises EC position on packaging
Alliance for Sustainable Packaging for Foods questions validity of Commission’s research, and argues it will lead to more food waste and lower food safety
Industry calls on MEPs to rethink Europe’s packaging proposal
New rules will increase food waste, damage industry, and achieve little in terms of environmental gains, argue representatives from produce and packaging industries
Comment: Europe needs to think outside the box on packaging
New proposals aimed at reducing packaging waste do not appear to offer the fresh produce a fair and sensible path to sustainability
Spar Slovenia removes single-use plastic bags
Retailer is first in Slovenia to phase out the bags from all of its fresh produce departments
Packaging firms see chance to build on European waste vote
Following the European Parliament’s vote on new packaging waste management regulations, it now falls to the Council of Europe to push the proposal forward before it is enshrined in law
European Parliament adopts plan to cut packaging waste
MEPs vote to adopt revised regulations that target single-use plastics and call for more reuse and recycling
Italian packaging firms call for PPWR revision
The European Union’s ambitious plans to reduce packaging waste have been met with strong opposition among Italy’s plastic container suppliers
Extreme weather prompts dramatic crop revision for apples and pears
Droughts, floods, hail, unseasonably warm temperatures and a resulting higher risk of disease mean this year’s initial forecasts have been trimmed
Global Berry Congress makes impressive return
Retailers including Aldi, Lidl, Delhaize, ICA and M&S among those who attended the leading event for the global berry business
Fruitbox 85 · Dominik Wozniak and Philippe Binard, WAPA
Chris discusses the European apple and pear forecasts that were recently released at Prognosfruit in Serbia
Fruitbox 83 · Bostjan Novak, Evrosad
Chris speaks with the general manager of Evrosad’s new fresh fruit and vegetable retail store
Port of Koper sets container record
Slovenian port ends 2021 with a new container throughput record of 996,000 TEUs
Fruit Logistica Trend Report: A Fresh Start?
Trade fair's annual report considers Covid-19 impact and what future may hold for world’s fresh produce companies
Koper anticipates "promising" Egyptian grape season
Slovenian port says that volumes could increase by up to ten per cent this season