Salad vegetables news archive – Page 79

  • Alfalfa sprouts

    FDA issues alfalfa sprout warning


    Six states have reported cases of Salmonella Saintpaul poisoning that is being linked to raw alfalfa sprouts

  • Almería lettuce in over-supply

    Almería lettuce in over-supply


    While lettuce crops in Murcia suffered severe hail damage two weeks ago seriously disrupting availability, growers in Almería are now leaving their product in the fields due to excess volumes.

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    Heritage lettuces thrive in trials


    A collection of heritage lettuce varieties has outperformed its commercial counterparts in new findings by the UK’s leading organic growing charity.

  • English Village Salads is an established tomato supplier

    EVS toms enter Asda stores


    English Village Salads (EVS) scored a fresh produce hat-trick with the launch of locally grown British round tomatoes into selected Asda stores last week.

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    Chiquita shuffles its pack


    Chiquita Brands International has announced that the company's board of directors has appointed Lori Ritchey as its vice-president, controller and chief accounting officer as of this month.

  • Key Tech Flume Wash

    Key Tech introduces latest fresh-cut redesign


    The group has rolled out its upgraded Flume Wash for fresh-cut produce

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    New pepper varieties launched


    Syngenta Seeds Vegetables presented two new varieties of pepper at its second working breakfast staged in Agroponiente, Almería, in February.

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    Help at hand for cues


    Biobest NV, the leading producer of natural enemies and bumblebees, has published a new poster which gives a clear overview of the most common diseases and pests found in cucumber production.

  • Hailstones

    Hail ends Murcia’s lettuce campaign


    Hailstones have prematurely ended Murcia’s lettuce campaign and damaged melon and potato production in the Spanish region

  • Sandy Sewell

    Florette predicts great summer for salads


    Florette believes that this summer will be the best for some time due to consumers holidaying at home, representing increased eating opportunities for salad.

  • Hope shines through as clocks move forward

    Hope shines through as clocks move forward


    It is finally looking up for the salad sector this quarter, with UK cucumber and peppers coming on stream and Spanish product returning to form after a cold snap. What’s more, growers and suppliers are finding that orders are steady, despite the economic downturn. Elizabeth O’Keefe reports on the change of tune.

  • Bakkavör building

    Tough 2008 reported by Bakkavör Group


    The Icelandic group has revealed a loss in its full-year results, with the group hit by significant one-off costs

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    New sales VP for Natural Selection


    The specialty salad group has promoted Glen Daniels to the role of vice-president of sales

  • Deputy store manager Nick Houghton (left) and David Morris

    Olney Co-op on cue


    Visitors to The Co-operative store in Olney, in Buckinghamshire, on March 19 were treated not only to a day of perfect spring weather, but also activity in support of the start of the UK cucumber season.

  • Choices Markets

    Canadian retailer inks organic herb deal


    Choices Markets has teamed up with Canadian aboriginal descendants to offer a line of indoor-grown organic herbs

  • Florette adds new salads to line-up

    Florette adds new salads to line-up


    UK prepared salad specialist Florette is launching two new products, including a market first, ahead of a summer season that is set to be of vital significance to the sector.

  • Maries Dressing Salyer American

    Salyer teams up with Marie’s Dressing


    Salyer American will promote Iceberg and Romaine lettuce with a range of Marie's dressings to US shoppers this summer

  • Tenderstem comes of age

    Tenderstem comes of age


    A relatively new crop on the marketplace, Tenderstem broccoli is managing to battle through the recession and establish itself as a must-have niche line in UK multiples. Elizabeth O’Keefe visits the vegetable’s main areas of production in Kenya to find out how the industry is faring.

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    Kebab salads found wanting


    A recent Health Protection Agency (HPA) study has found high levels of unacceptable microbiological quality in salads at kebab takeaways.

  • tomatoes

    US restricts tomato import access


    Tomatoes sourced from certain Mediterranean and northern African countries must now meet additional import requirements in the US