All Research & Development articles – Page 210

  • Prof Simon Bright

    Warwick HRI reaping rewards


    Since its transfer to the University of Warwick in 2004, Horticulture Research International (HRI) has increased its grant funding and its funds from levy bodies.

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    Fresh science behind bars


    Following news last week that consumers are looking for snacks that are both convenient and healthy, scientists in the US may have come up with a solution - an all-fruit snack bar that can stay fresh for two years.

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    Berry pill could stave off cancer


    A daily pill made from a berry could help prevent cancer, scientists have found.

  • Elizabeth Baldwin (r) and Holly Sisson test guava

    Research gives guava boost


    New research into the nutritional content of guava has shown it is higher in antioxidants than previously thought and could join the ranks of superfoods such as blueberries, broccoli and pomegranates.

  • UK sector 'confident'

    UK sector 'confident'


    A new report has said that despite recent jitters on the domestic and world markets, the fresh produce industry in this country is seeing a mini resurgence.

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    Health snack boost


    Growers are set to receive a boost as consumers opt for more healthy snack foods.

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    Brits not getting 5 A DAY


    Two-thirds of Brits are not eating the recommended five portions of fruit and veg a day, new research has shown.

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    Pest prevention breakthrough


    An Israeli scientist has developed a unique method to protect crops from pest damage.

  • Californian strawberry a hit in the UK

    Californian strawberry a hit in the UK


    A new US strawberry variety shows every indication of taking the UK everbearer market by storm.

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    Stockbridge and ADAS join forces


    Two of the country’s biggest research organisations have signed a mutual agreement to work on collaborative research projects, in a bid to bolster industry R&D amid fears of national spending cuts.

  • Albion

    Albion flourishes


    Hargreaves Plants hosted an Albion open day last week in Kent to celebrate the success and further promote the everbearer strawberry variety

  • Harvey expresses R&D concern

    Harvey expresses R&D concern


    There are now too many small and underfunded R&D organisations in the UK, due to continuing government cutbacks in horticultural research funding.

  • Avocados may prevent oral cancer

    Avocados may prevent oral cancer


    Avocados may prevent mouth cancer and reduce the rate of cancer growth, US research has found.

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    US takes new carbon research approach


    While it is already well-known that elevated levels of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere can seriously impact upon air, weather and vegetation, one US scientist is now taking a look at what could happen underground.

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    Diseases on the comback trail


    US scientists have found that two diseases that ‘rampaged’ through potato fields in the past are making a more virulent comeback.

  • Writtle tackles Braeburn disease

    Writtle tackles Braeburn disease


    The postharvest unit at Writtle College has conducted an investigation into increased respiration rates with inoculation of Botryis cinerea in Braeburn apples.

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    Blueberries - food for the brain


    American scientists have found that blueberry extracts can soothe a type of inflammation of the brain.

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    Research could save orchards from fire blight


    Research led by the University of Warwick has found that bacteria could save orchards from the almost incurable disease of fire blight.

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    Public attitudes to environmentalism gauged


    A quarter of people are too lazy to make their lifestyle more environmentally friendly, according to a survey released last week.

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    New general manager selected by Redeva


    Redbridge Worldfresh has announced the appointment of Tim Morton as general manager of Redeva, the firm’s strawberry and raspberry breeding programme.