All Production & Trade articles – Page 994
US Rivermaid-Wespak merge
Rivermaid Trading Company and Wespak Sales will merge operations to become one of the larger grower-shippers of tree fruit in California
McDonald's explores fruit and veg options
McDonald's will list calorie information on US restaurant and drive-thru menus from next week.
New transport system for Asda
Asda says it's fully switched over to a new regional transport distribution network that will boost the efficiency of deliveries.
Lebanese apples tap new markets
Apple exporters in Lebanon have recently broken into new markets, including Iraq, Libya and Egypt
Bayer CropScience to invest £4 billion in R&D
Bayer CropScience plans to invest up to £4 billion into its research and development programme by 2016.
Exports hold firm as lemon output falls
Lemon production from north-west Argentina this season has fallen year-on-year
Italian kiwifruit production set to fall
Trade sources indicate that this year's Italian kiwifruit crop could be as much as 20-30 per cent smaller than it was last season
Analyst talks up multinationals
Chiquita and Fresh Del Monte said to be in stronger commercial position following recent improvement in banana business
Tough year ahead for Chile
The Chilean minister of agriculture has said the 2012-13 season will be tough because of a lack of water.
Spanish citrus volumes set to slide
Forecast released by Ailimpo suggests citrus production will drop by just under 6 per cent to 6.1m tonnes during 2012/13
Sheehan grape ownership battle continues
Battle for Sheehan varieties continues as Colors Fruit plans to take the matter to the South African court of appeal
Chilean fresh fruit exports climb
The latest Chilean fresh fruit export statistics, released by the Chilean Fruit Exporters Association (Asoex) and published by SimFRUIT, have revealed that the country's fresh fruit exports during 2011/12 jumped 0.14 per cent to 275.4m boxes.
Staay to merge with Hispa Fruit
Dutch group which acquired 70 per cent share in Hispa Fruit last year confirms plans to integrate the two businesses
Chilean fresh fruit exports climb
New information compiled by Asoex shows that East Asia in particular took on more Chilean fruit during 2011/12
Peruvian bananas on upward curve
Consultancy estimates that national 2012 sendings will be up 30 per cent year on year
Europe hungry for US sweet potatoes
Export shipments have soared over the past decade, according to figures published by the USDA's Foreign Agricultural Service
Solentes extended to ready-to-eat avos
Exotics & Specialities division of Hagé, part of Dutch group The Greenery, set to expand its branded avocado line
Cultivar to ripen and market bananas
Spanish fresh produce importer set to include the fruit in its product range, sourcing initially from Central America
Spanish avocado output set to rise
Leading exporters Trops and Reyes Gutiérrez both anticipating significant rise in production volume this season
Haluco Exports set to ship peppers
New Israeli company set up by Haluco and AdaFresh says it is preparing to begin exporting produce in late October