All Production & Trade articles – Page 641
Aldi becomes UK’s fifth-largest retailer
Discounter has overtaken Co-op with a new market share of 6.2 per cent while Kantar figures show retail impact of recent veg shortages
Fruit consumption hits 14-year low
Japan’s household consumption of fruit has continued to fall as the category competes with juice, yoghurts and packaging food
Abundant set for seed deal
Australian company looks to secure distribution agreement for Asia and the Middle East
Cauliflower back in Brittany
More favourable weather conditions in Brittany spell good news for the region’s brassica harvest, with cauliflower volumes returning to normal
Blues scale Peru’s export table
Blueberries have become the country’s third biggest fruit export, according to AGAP
Exploring Knox possibilities
Wim Grootscholten, manager of the Crop Team Lettuce at Rijk Zwaan, is keen to explore opportunities for the trait
Modern consumers ‘don’t understand veg shortages’
A switch from seasonal to year-long veg and salad consumption means consumers are shocked by ‘inevitable supply gaps’
Mexican melons seek successful season
Super Starr honeydew melons from Mexico are ready to ship to North America and Japan
Cameroon mangoes set for boost
Support from development organisations in Germany and Israel is helping to move the Cameroonian mango sector forward
Sweet potato demand soars in Europe
The American Sweet Potato Marketing Institute has revealed figures confirming Europe’s growing appetite for US sweet Potatoes
m7 wraps up first campaign
Having just concluded its first ever promotional campaign for the m7 Navel, CVVP has high hopes for the variety’s future
Frutas Montosa opens in-house lab
On-site testing is becoming an increasingly attractive option for fresh produce companies
A new force in Colombian avocados
With over 1,000ha of production, Westsold Fruit Colombia is making its mark on global markets
Hort Innovation scores A$1.2m in chem grants
Australian growers are said to benefit from increased access to chemicals
New player set to enter NZ avocado sector
Harbour Edge Avocados a step closer to setting up on the shores of Kaipara Harbour
Aussie veg exporters set growth target
Australia’s vegetable industry has set a goal of increasing its exports 40 per cent to A$315m by 2020
Australian lychees safe for consumption
President of peak industry body assures consumers product is safe despite reports of Indian illness
Promote UK veg not iceberg shortage, says grower
British consumers are being urged to choose British seasonal veg such as kale, leeks or cabbage as Spanish shortage continues
SATI issues second forecast
South African table grape industry predicts normal crop despite raising expectations in second forecast
New challenges face South African citrus
Concerns as responsibility for phytosanitary certification activities in South Africa is delegated by government to PPECB