All Production & Trade articles – Page 1669
Spanish citrus crisis
A low price and quality-affected season are making 1999-2000 one of the most difficult in recent years for some of Spain's citrus growers.
Florida plans canker purge
Agriculture bodies have reacted swiftly to try and eradicate the bacterial and highly contagious disease that not only damages fruit but also weakens trees
Lemon growers link up
Producers of lemons in the state of Sao Paulo in Brazil are starting to work together in order to increase exports.
Chilean cherry cheer
Exporters have made progress on last season with a hike in sendings to key markets.
Del Monte eyes Red Rose
Two of the best known names among UK fresh produce importers are looking to join operations.
Honduran loan agreement
Beleaguered growers in hurricane-hit Honduras are finally set for government loan aid
Rain dents citrus crop
South Africa is estimating a slight decrease in orange and grapefruit crops following weeks of rain in key production areas.
Panache touches UK parsnip market
Elsoms seeds is ready to launch its Panache parsnip in time for the next UK growing season
Zespri targets Europe with Gold
New Zealand kiwifruit marketer Zespri will be targeting continental Europe with its Gold variety this summer.
African avocados on song
South African avocados have survived the rains so far and are set to start exports at the end of the month.
Grape case accord at last
Ten years after a damaging poison scare in imported grapes, US authorities have made a first step towards a "definitive solution" with their Chilean counterparts.
Top cook's endorsement for UK fruit
Delia Smith has spoken out in support of UK fruit growers
Argentina looks for early lemon start
Given market conditions in Europe, lemons from Tucumán in Argentina could start arriving a few days earlier than usual.
Florida under canker threat
Citrus groves in southern Florida are reportedly facing the threat of citrus canker.
Chile news in brief
With the apple season already underway exporters are making breakthroughs earning approvals to send to significant markets.
UK grape market in disarray
The market for grapes in the UK has dwindled this season compared to 1998-99 creating particular problems for South African product, says Capespan.
Enzafruit appoints new ceo
New Zealand top fruit marketer Enzafruit International has filled the top spot of chief executive officer with the appointment of a skilled business development manager.
Shamouti steps up a gear
Sendings from Israel of key orange variety Shamouti are getting back on track after a shaky start saw volumes 38 per cent down on last year at the end of week 6.
New sprout variety to UK market
A new Brussels sprout variety, Brigitte, has been introduced into the UK market, by Nickerson Zwaan Ltd.