All Production & Trade articles – Page 1667
Spain's citrus crisis worsens
Producers are taking action and asking for aid in the worst citrus season for a generation.
Melon growers take action
With the Spanish melon season just about to start, growers are looking at measures to help improve on the returns of the last two seasons.
Zim and Mozambican citrus on the up
Grapefruit and oranges from Zimbabwe and Mozambique are overcoming climatic and political difficulties with a forecast year-on-year increase in exports.
NZ vegetable growers urged to link up
Survival for many New Zealand vegetable growers depends on them joining forces on domestic and export markets.
Brazil bouncing back
Citrus in Brazil is on the road to recovery after some difficult growing conditions early this year.
Cold snap slows strawberries
Cool weather and rainy spells are threatening availability of strawberries from Spain for the peak Easter market.
Carrots get new growth boost
Cargill plc has developed a new, natural growth stimulant to enhance carrot yield and quality.
US apple market stability under fire
Fresh apple movement from storage in March was brisk, according to trade association USApple, but the market is facing pressure.
Greenvale AP wins IIP first in Scotland
Potato specialist Greenvale AP aims to achieve the Investors in People standard nation-wide.
Spanish lettuce under pressure
Leading lettuce-growing region Murcia is facing more production problems
NZ Braeburn crop squeeze
Enzafruit is taking action to protect growers from possible low Braeburn returns this season
Chile's fruit exports slide
Sendings across all varieties from Chile are 13 per cent down on the same period in 1998-99
Morocco falls victim to citrus slump
The disastrous citrus season takes its toll on sendings from Morocco too
Citrus harvest recovery
Figures published for March by US authorities show a citrus crop bouncing back nation-wide.
Quality impossible without fair market
French inter-professional organisation Interfel is calling for a more even playing field so that production of quality and consumer needs may be met in fresh produce supply.
Leaf highlights enhancements to farming
Linking the Environment and Farming (Leaf) audits during 1999 point to producers improving their environmental and business management.
The Federation of Canary Islands Producers renews contract with ABP
The Federation of Canary Islands Producers renews and extends its agreement with Associated British Ports.
Canker crisis worsens
Four counties in Florida have been declared a disaster area as the citrus canker crisis worsens and quarantine areas are extended.
Libya makes pistachio progress
Experimental plantings have yielded favourable results for Libya's pistachio sector.
Tunisia increases citrus output
Growers in Tunisia have seen citrus production climb on 1998-99 levels.