All Production & Trade articles – Page 1666
Biological control only option
The future of New Zealand's apple industry could lie with a parasitoid wasp to control mealybug in its leading horticultural export.
NZ farm ministry strengthens bee-mite controls
The ministry of agriculture and forestry in New Zealand is planning on tightening boundaries around the zone infected by the deadly varroa bee mite.
Canker battle costs spiral
The citrus canker eradication programme in Florida is costing federal and state authorities $250million.
Produce schemes introduce joint discount rate
Joint members of the Assured Combinable Crops Scheme (ACCS) and the Assured Produce Scheme (APS) wanting to renew their subscription, are to be granted a 33 per cent discount off their lower or secondary membership fee.
California Bing on song
The cherry harvest in California is expecting an early start this season
Huelva still under the weather
As the Spanish strawberry season enters the final straight, producers are facing some of the toughest weather conditions possible for the time year.
Stone fruit starts early
Spanish peaches and nectarines are battling the elements to start a few weeks ahead of schedule
Apple exports to Europe fall
A weak euro and ample stocks are discouraging southern hemisphere apple exporters from sending fruit to Europe.
Brazilian orange forecast revised upwards
The Sao Paulo 2000-01 orange harvest starting this month is expected to top 380 million cartons.
Rain disrupts Argentinean lemon sendings
Further rainfall in the principal growing region of Tucuman is slowing harvesting and hampering the season.
Chile looks to strawberries
There could be a bright future for strawberry production in Chile, according to local agronomists
Tough times ahead for Costa Rica
The banana sector in Costa Rica is facing an oversupply situation and increasing costs
Burgess hosts Leaf visit
Members of the Linking Environment and Farming visited one of the scheme's newest and largest demonstration farms in the Fens in April.
Israel failing to recover
With the citrus season entering its final stages, Israeli exports across most varieties are down on 1998-99.
Tough times for lemons
Difficult growing and market conditions look likely to make this a tough season for Argentinean lemons.
Pear volumes pared down
Southern hemisphere pear production is slightly down on 1999 mainly due to a smaller crop in Argentina.
Spanish berry struggle
Strawberry supplies from Spain could take a week to 10 days to recover from a disappointing Easter.
Asparagus plans timely start
Interest in asparagus production in the UK is increasing as a new season gets under way.
Kent top fruit acreage continues slide
An NFU tour of Kent is expected to show a shrinking top-fruit industry.
Europe no exception
Chilean exports are struggling on markets world-wide, not just Europe, in a depressed season for fresh produce in general.