All Production & Trade articles – Page 1664
French Guyot controls kick in
With the summer pear season just starting, French growers have signed up to two agreements limiting the marketing of their fruit.
Funding boosts citrus canker fight
US authorities have committed further funds in the battle against citrus canker.
Apple growers win compensation
French apple growers affected by a UK boycott of their produce are in line for government aid.
UK raspberries on song
A late start to the season has not dampened expectation for the UK raspberry crop.
LEAFlet profits from Bayer link
A UK integrated crop management promoter has linked up with Bayer to produce a new information leaflet.
SAAGA slows avo sendings
Oversupply of avocados on the UK market has prompted South African growers to take action.
Greenvale AP seals global deal
One of the UK's leading potato and potato-seed suppliers has signed a new exclusive varietal development agreement.
Strawberry picking slows
In line with reports last week, less fruit is being picked in England this week due to unseasonable weather.
Chile plans food-safety revision
Researchers in Chile are studying the development of new, specific food safety regulations for the fruit sector.
Strawberries reach early peak
The effects of a wet May and the heat wave at the beginning of last week are affecting UK strawberry availability at the season's traditional peak.
NFU looks into waste rules
NFU representative Michael Paske (pictured) is talking with government officials on the impact new waste disposal regulations could have on agriculture and horticulture.
NW cherries get healthy boost
The north-west US cherry season has been given a boost with the publication in the US of some preliminary research findings on the fruit's health benefits.
French apricots weather storms
Last week's storms in stone-fruit growing areas of France have had a localised effect on some producers' crops.
Brazilian carnival kicks off
The Brazilian Fruit Export Promotion Programme was officially launched last week.
NZ kiwi faces stiff competition
A crowded marketplace in Europe has hit the first weeks of the New Zealand kiwifruit season.
Industry comes down hard on gangmaster claims
The fresh produce industry has responded swiftly to the exposure in Monday's BBC television documentary Panorama of corrupt gangmasters and illegal immigrants working in the UK fresh produce industry.
Early warning on US entry for Argentina's citrus
Some academics speaking in the Argentinean press, are questioning studies by the USDA which have paved the way for changes in import restrictions which will soon allow the import of citrus from Argentina.
Volumes unaffected by member drop outs, says Greenery
The Greenery International says the quantity of produce it supplies to world markets, will be unchanged, despite the announcement by 549 grower members that they will leave the organisation at the end of the year.
Chile enjoys blueberry growth
Increases in blueberry production and market demand are boosting Chile's sales of the berry in a range of export markets and presenting challenges for the future, according to Chilean magazine Revista del Campo.
Red tractors launch new standard
The National Farmers' Union organised a red tractor parade through central London on Tuesday to mark the launch of the British Farm Standard.