All Production & Trade articles – Page 1662
Washington mixes it up
Forecasts indicate a broader varietal mix of apples from Washington State this year as Reds account for a smaller share.
Pink Lady gets warm UK reception
Southern hemisphere supplies of Pink Lady have performed so well on the UK market that there could be a shortage of the apple before northern hemisphere crops become available.
Strawberry growers fill the gaps
UK strawberry growers may finally have solved the problem of the characteristic peaks-and-troughs supply pattern.
Spanish citrus must get organised
One of the largest co-operatives in Spain is calling for urgent action and structural change in the Spanish citrus sector to avoid the oversupply and low prices, which plagued producers last season.
Israeli water crisis threatens growers
The ongoing water crisis in Israel is becoming critical and farmers may see supplies cut by half.
Salary rises pose problems for growers
Middlesbrough-based Plimsoll Publishing claims in its latest report that some 79 companies are heading for problems.
Elsoms announces birth of new baby-leaves
A trials open day at seed-breeder Elsoms revealed advances in brassica, herb and salad varieties.
Citrus survives frost threat
The effects of the worst frosts in 30 years to strike citrus production in Argentina are being quantified.
US apple growers bloodied but still fighting
Friday's announcement of a forecast five per cent decrease in apple production in the US came with the news that the sector is suffering and some growers may not harvest this season's crop.
Chileans red-faced over Pink Lady
US intellectual property rights are posing problems for legitimate plantings of Pink Lady apples in Chile.
Mexican avocados still on target says MWW
Mexican avocado shortfall unlikely to affect exports to European destinations, according to UK importer Minor, Weir & Willis.
Top-fruit project wins funds
The ministry of agriculture has awarded a marketing grant to top-fruit promotional body English Apples & Pears to help improve grower competitiveness.
Unions demand full levy exemption
Farmers' unions in the UK are calling on Gordon Brown to recognise the plight of their members over the climate change levy and other pressing issues.
LEAF recognises fruit-farm achievements
Integrated-crop-management promotional body LEAF has announced a new award for fruit growers.
Strawberry supply struck again
The UK strawberry season is suffering the vagaries of the summer weather once again.
Costa Rica fears banana price crash
Independent banana growers in Costa Rica worry that low prices being paid for their fruit will fall still further by the end of the year.
SA hopes for stone-fruit recovery
South Africa is hoping for a return to form on stone fruit in the upcoming season after adverse weather conditions affected half the crop in 1999.
Chilean exports slump
Chile exported 28 per cent less fruit than last season in the twelve months up to July.
Florida rains could spread citrus canker
With three-quarters of Florida's annual rainfall falling between June and October, growers are worried about the risks of citrus canker spreading to uninfected areas.
Apple drop gives no comfort to growers
Although a decrease of five per cent in total European top fruit production is predicted for 2000, there is still little sign of a long-term reversal of the oversupply situation.