All Production & Trade articles – Page 1652
Zespri extends share offer
Kiwifruit marketer Zespri is keeping open its share offer until March 19.
Costa Rica decision backfires
An announcement earlier this month by Costa Rica that it is fixing a minimum sale price for it bananas might lead buyers to look elsewhere.
Markets ready for southern citrus
An abrupt finish to northern hemisphere easy-peeler supplies has given southern suppliers an early opportunity in Europe.
Safely gathered in
Harvesting in Chile is progressing well with many grape varieties nearing their end and stone fruit entering its final phase to give way to new season top fruit.
Foot-and-mouth problems deepen
Horticulture is suffering from knock-on effects engendered by the foot-and-mouth disease outbreak among livestock in the UK.
Top fruit battles heat
Argentina's top fruit has recovered in volume terms on the poor season of 1999-2000, but warm weather is having an effect.
Weather wreaks havoc in Spain
The strawberry season in Huelva has been all but washed away by storms and heavy rainfall.
Banana import regime delayed
As the battle over the EU's banana import regime with the US threatened to intensify, EU commissioners have stepped in to delay the implementation of new rules.
Late arrivals may save the day
The late orange varieties are on stream from Spain and may prove the salvation for some growers of what for many has been another difficult year.
Late lifting flexibility granted
The impact of autumn floods in 2000 has led to late-harvesting flexibility being granted to some growers in the UK.
HEB launches new initiative
The Horticultural Export Bureau is in talks with Food from Britain to initiate a new campaign to encourage UK exports of fresh produce.
Nothing new in budget
Apart from the pesticides tax reprieve, there were no surprises and little good news for growers in the last week's budget, although the lack of a spending free should lead to a cut in interest rates.
BPC gives guidance
New publications from the BPC should help producers combat disease and other problems in their crops.
Cape lifted on first South Africa Golden
Capespan's team at Fresh Fruit Services welcomed the first arrivals of new season Golden Delicious from South Africa at Sheerness last week.
Budget's pesticide tax reprieve
Growers get some breathing space with the omission of a pesticides tax in this week's budget announcement from Chancellor Gordon Brown.
Israeli investment reaps rewards
Investment in technology is bringing cost savings and efficiency benefits to Israeli exporters.
Good practice on nitrate levels
A new research project has made recommendations for use of nitrate in lettuce which are due to be adopted by the National Farmers' Union.
GMS gets prepared
One of the UK's leading grower-based produce marketing companies is expanding its fresh-prepared produce capabilities with a new factory.
Costa Rica sets its price
The government in Costa Rica has agreed a minimum price for export bananas.
Peruvian asparagus recovery
Problems with obtaining financing and loans over recent seasons have taken their toll on Peru's asparagus production, but growers are hopeful for 2001.