All Production & Trade articles – Page 1651
Florida growers call for state help
Citrus producers in Florida are concerned that abandoned groves are threatening their livelihoods.
Primafruit says pants to poverty
Pictured are Primafruit staff taking part in fundraising antics as part of Comic Relief 2001.
Wales sets organic target
Wales has a target to switch 10 per cent of agriculture to organic production.
Fubol given a gold star
Facing up to potato blight and using new fungicidal control products on the market can help reduce disease.
Sheerness hit hard by deregulation
The effect of fruit exports in supplier countries opening up to independent operators is being felt at quayside in the UK.
Cues get a voice of their own
Growers of fresh cucumber in the UK have set up their own representative body.
Cimo and Eucofel edge closer
The two bodies representing the European fruit trade are moving closer in their merger talks.
Organic imports climb again
As consumption of organics rises in the UK so does the volume of imports although proportionally their share of the overall organic market is being eroded.
SA avos start early
New crop South African avocados have already started to arrive in the UK.
Late lifting further extended
Increased pressure from growers' lobbies has led to a renewed extension to late lifting of some crops.
Chile picks up
Volumes into Europe are stepping up a gear as more grape comes on stream and apples start their season.
France claws back apple share
Exports of apples from France have been making up for lost time on the UK market.
Zespri share offer undersubscribed
Growers have been slow in their uptake of NZ kiwifruit marketer Zespri's share offer.
Argentinean lemons face later start
Production of lemons in Argentina's leading growing area of Tucuman is good but there could be a delay to the start of the season.
NZ exporters opt for contestability
New Zealand's ministry of agriculture has announced the results of its apple export consultation exercise.
Research accelerates citrus fruiting
Spanish agronomists have discovered a way of hastening fruiting in citrus trees.
Dutch top four double up
A new alliance in Dutch fresh produce supply should see more new varieties in the marketplace.
New cabbages weather well
Varieties of cabbage bred by Nickeson Zwaan and recently made available for the UK market are withstanding the worst of the UK weather.
Berry blues continue
Producers of strawberries in Huelva are battling hard against conditions to get saleable fruit to market.
Grape hopes to redress balance
Sendings of grape from Chile are down on 1999-2000, but expectations are for the season to pick up slightly before the close.