All Production & Trade articles – Page 1650

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    Germans plug UK supply gap


    Salad onions have been running short in the UK, but imports have been able to step into the breach.

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    Onion growers warned


    Onion planting is behind schedule because of wet weather, but growers should think twice before changing their drilling plans.

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    Chile works on trade deals


    Trade accords are becoming a priority for fresh fruit exporters in Chile as the country faces dumping accusations from the US.

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    Sendings boost for Chilean fruit


    Fruit exports from Chile are up on last seasons levels across most major markets.

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    Spain makes berry recovery


    Spanish strawberries finally look like they might be recovering from a disastrous start to the season.

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    Ecuador rejects banana deal


    The worldÕs largest banana exporter has reportedly rejected last weekÕs agreement between the US and EU over the EU banana import regime.

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    Sun World gives update on Sugraone


    David Marguelas of Sun World gives key table grape importers explanation of the situation concerning the Sugraone variety.

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    Chile rejects dumping claim


    Exporters in Chile are rejecting claims made by US grape growers that they dumped fruit on the US market last season.

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    KG signs US deal


    KG Fruits Ltd has won import rights for fruit grown by Driscoll Strawberry Associates. Pictured are KG's Nick Marston (l) and Dorn Wenninger of DSA.

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    Best laid potato plans


    Despite the difficulties of recent months, potato growers can still look forward to a good season ahead, if they plan carefully.

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    Multifruit to handle Guapa in Europe


    Multifruit Import of Rotterdam has obtained exclusive rights to use the banana label Guapa, used on bananas from sources in Ecuador.

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    Fruit show welcomes Mitchell as chairman


    Kent fruit-grower Robert Mitchell has been elected chairman of the Marden Fruit Show Society.

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    Californian cherry on the top


    Cherries from the south-western US are shaping up for a good season provided no late spring weather conditions spoil the party.

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    Enza's first arrivals


    The first New Zealand top fruit arrived in the UK on March 31.

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    Windward revenue declines


    Banana producers in the Caribbean suffered a nine per cent slump in export revenue during 2000.

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    UK onions face drilling crisis


    Onions could be in short supply if producers do not take action now to adjust their drilling programmes and varietal sequence.

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    Apple growers take up their Cause


    A group of New Zealand growers acting under the banner Apple Cause hopes to meet with the NZ agriculture minister to try and halt moves to further deregulate their industry.

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    Apple stocks clearing


    Stocks of apples in the European Union and US are clearing well as supplies from the southern hemisphere come on stream in volume.

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    Road threat to Argentina's citrus


    The Tucuman Citrus Association is calling on local authorities to address problems with road infrastructure and protests which are threatening the safe arrival of citrus on domestic and export markets.

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    Humber Growers find new market


    East Yorkshire salad producer Humber Growers has found a new market for its Spanish cherry tomatoes in New York.