All Production & Trade articles – Page 1648

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    LauritzenCool makes new stop


    Reefer service LauritzenCool will be making an additional stop on its South African service.

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    Growers urge US congress to stand firm


    Producers in the US are lobbying congress to oppose measures by the country's trading partners which might weaken its anti-dumping laws.

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    Italy starts citrus plan


    The long awaited plan to rescue Italy's beleaguered citrus sector is now up and running.

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    Zespri sets sail


    The first shipment of Zespri kiwifruit is expected in Europe at the week-end.

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    Dutch dismiss losses


    Restructuring costs have been blamed for losses at The Greenery.

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    NFU manifesto demands support


    The next UK government must grasp the opportunity of the new parliament to work with farmers to get the industry back on its feet, said the National Farmers Union in its general election manifesto.

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    Potato packers combine forces


    The two largest potato packers for supermarkets in Kent have joined linked up.

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    Salads availability tightens up


    Prices have been rising on wholesale markets across the salads range due to the tardiness of UK crops.

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    JP notches up QA first


    A QA manager from JP Fruit Distributors has been awarded the UK's first Fresh Produce Quality Assurance Certificate.

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    NZ set for top-fruit deregulation


    New Zealand's agriculture minister has made a surprise announcement for the top fruit sector.

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    Cold snap shortens final berries


    The weather is still being unkind to Spanish strawberry growers even as their season wanes.

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    NZ jazzes up apple offer


    A new apple variety from New Zealand is being consumer-tested in key overseas markets including the UK.

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    New regime "unjust"


    The latest proposal for reform of the EU's banana import regime which met with US approval has been slated as unjust by Costa Rican workers.

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    Puerto Rican debut


    The first arrivals of sea freight Puerto Rican mangoes were unloaded in the UK this week.

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    Canary Islands suppliers get together


    Canary Islands salads suppliers Frutos Canarios and Fortuna Fruits have announced that they are to merge operations.

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    New life breathed into UK top fruit


    At a meeting this week in Kent, the heart of UK top-fruit production, the largest supplier of English apples and pears laid out its proposals for the revitalisation of the UK top fruit industry.

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    Pay award "disastrous"


    The National Farmers Union has dubbed the pay award made by the government's agricultural wages board as "disastrous" in a letter to Nick Brown.

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    Israel awaits quota change


    As Israel's water crisis deepens, a reform of the quota system is being planned.

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    Agronomists get the news


    The British Potato Council has launched a series of technical bulletins for agronomists.

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    Apple sector must revamp


    According to the latest World Apple Report, apple growers must remake their businesses if they are to breathe new life into the sluggish market and meet future change.