All Production & Trade articles – Page 1646
Leading forces in Israeli citrus to merge
Tnuport and Mehadrin, each of which holds approximately 30 per cent of the volume of Israeli citrus exports, announce they are to join operations.
British raspberry production prepares for growth
UK raspberry suppliers target market expansion while enjoying healthy sales in the summer sun.
US lifts banana sanctions
The US has finally lifted $191.4 million of sanctions against the EU, following the moves towards a final resolution of the long-running banana trade war.
NFU plans to put off pesticides tax
A cross-industry seminar discussing efforts to put off a pesticides tax is held in London.
Non-chlorine produce wash developed
A new environment-friendly fresh produce wash has been launched by Hutchinsons Crop Production Specialists.
Israel's citrus exports take a dive
Total citrus exports from Israel during the 2000/2001 season fell by 14 per cent on the previous year. However, the volume of Lates, Murcott, Ray Ruby, white and red pomelos all showed an increase.
Sundowner on the up
Australian Sundowner has reached the UK marketplace, where it will sell alongside South African product. Up to 100,000 cartons could be sold in the country this year.
Iceberg grower to discuss diversification
The need for a general lettuce growers' association will be discussed at an open meeting held by the British Iceberg Growers' Association.
EcoSpray launches new moth trap
EcoSpray has designed a new trap to help reduce damage from diamond back moth caterpillars in brassica crops.
Potato blight buster launched
A new product to help combat potato blight has been developed.
Celery gains HDC specifics
The Horticultural Development Council receives Specific Off Label Approvals for the use of Amistar on celery.
HRI looks for peat alternatives for strawberry growers
Due to the environmental damage involved with peat extraction from wetlands, HRI is trying to find a replacement growing medium.
New control product released for cues
Biological Crop Protection launches a new biological control product to limit thrips in cucumbers.
New md takes up reigns at Capespan
The new managing director of the Capespan Group officially assumes his duties in South Africa this week.
Chilean avocado delegation visits UK
The Hass Avocado Committee of Chile visits London in order to spread news of the country's rising production of the fruit.
Adas warns growers of potato blight risk
Research organisation Adas has warned potato growers to look out for potato blight caused by last year's unharvested crops.
Washington undergoes major top fruit shift
The rise of a multicultural society in many western export markets for Washington has led to changes in the apple varieties being cultivated in the state, according to the latest edition of the World Apple Report.
Fyffes's fun on the fairway
Leading UK banana supplier Fyffes teamed up on the fairway with soap-opera stars in aid of charity last month.
Ecospray pest warning
A leading pest-control company has issued a warning to brassica and carrot growers to start field monitoring for potentially damaging pests, such as cabbage root fly, pictured, and carrot fly.
New panellist welcomes early kiwi
Zespri has named a new panellist for the new NZ kiwifruit season.