All Production & Trade articles – Page 1643

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    Sprouts up


    Some of the UK's brassica growers are in buoyant mood as their promotional campaign starts to bear fruit.

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    UK top fruit outlook reviewed


    The forthcoming English top fruit crop is expected to be significantly higher than originally forecast.

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    Winter of discontent


    Fresh produce growers could be hit as scientists warn that the UK is sliding into a climate of very cold winters as the gulf stream's power begins to wane.

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    Apple warning


    English top fruit growers are calling for firm commitment on retail prices in the UK.

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    Air freight fears


    Terrorist attacks in the US on September 11 have caused widespread disruption to the air freight industry.

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    South African celebration


    Chairman Nino Burelli (l) and chief executive Neels Hubinger celebrate the Perishable Products Export Control Board's 75th birthday in Stellenbosch, South Africa this week.

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    Libya in banana talks


    Reports in the press this week of an offer from Libya to buy the entire banana crops of three of the Windward Islands have bewildered trade observers.

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    Onion show switched to next summer


    Onion Crop Focus bosses announce go-ahead for next year's event.Sponsors unchanged after foot and mouth wrecks this summer's show.

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    US sets top fruit record


    Exports of apples and pears from the US broke all records in 2000-01 with the fresh market sector performing particularly well.

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    Fyffes strong in first half


    Fyffes exceeds its own prediction to boost profits so far in 2001.And company chiefs say market conditions indicate good Autumn.

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    Lemons find favour


    Exports of lemons from Argentina have enjoyed a successful summer on European markets.

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    Enza debt row resolved


    The disagreement between New Zealand's Enza and its growers over debt has been overcome.

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    US apple crop declines


    Revised estimates from the US suggest the smallest apple crop from that country in over a decade.

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    Bumper citrus crop for Florida


    Sunshine state predicts bumper crop for coming season.But sources warn of low rainfall and disease compromising quality.

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    Trade flocks to potato showcase


    A high proportion of the British potato industry put in an appearance at this week's British Potato 2001 event at Newark, Notts.

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    Flamingo in the pink


    Flamingo (UK) has announced new long-term trading and marketing agreements with producers of pre-packed and prepared vegetables for major supermarkets.

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    PIP plan in place


    The long awaited Pesticides Initiative Programme (PIP) for the benefit of horticulture in developing countries is now up and running.

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    Organic target reached


    One of the UK's leading suppliers of organic root vegetables is celebrating its first two years by increasing investment.

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    Commission raring to go


    A new policy commission looking at the future of the food supply chain in England is ready for work.

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    European success for Chile


    The export season for Chilean fruit in Europe is closing on a high note, according to the Chilean Fresh Fruit Association ö Europe.