All Production & Trade articles – Page 1642
Citrus market strong
South Africa's citrus growers are closing the 2001 season in much better shape than last year.
Late grape warning
The largest supplier of South African grapes into the UK warns of a late start to the season.
Europe's Favorita
Ecuador's largest banana producing company visits the UK as part of its drive to infiltrate the European market.
Belgian spud waxes lyrical
An estimated 2,000 tonnes of waxy Flandria potatoes are expected to be available through the Belgian auctions this season.
Enza unconditional
New Zealand top fruit exporter Enza makes its compromise on foreign exchange payouts to growers unconditional.
Graduate development
Beer and curry and a specially devised recruitment programme from Merston Peters help fresh and prepared vegetable supplier Fenmarc solve its graduate recruitment needs.
Apple purchase boost
Producers of apples in the US are set to reap the rewards of a further federal government boost to their season.
Priory businesses sold
G's Marketing and Knights of Norfolk have bought separate parts of the business of Priory Produce.
Strawberry slowdown
Cool, damp weather is affecting availability of UK fruit at the tail end of the season.
Young fruit growers seek sponsors
The popular Under 40s conference for young fruit growers in the UK is already on the look out for backing for its next event.
Poland fights for rights of small farms
A UK and Polish coalition protest to protect small farms.Poland's biodiversity must be preserved, say coalition bosses.
Macleod McCombe closes
One of the produce trade's best-known names has ceased trading after 38 years.
Cameo on show
UK growers of Cameo apples will be opening their orchards to interested parties on October 10.
Price hike fears for air freight
Changes to international flight practice may hit produce exports, especially those from the US.
Agrexco takes stock
Israeli exporter Carmel Agrexco has announced investment in a new operational system at source.
Purple variety proves organic promise
The discovery of a purple-skinned potato from Hungary could revolutionise organic production in the UK.
Scifresh stays with Enza
Despite looming deregulation, NZ top fruit exporter Enza is holding on to new cultivar Scifresh.
Cuba aims for Europe
Europe could see more Cuban citrus this season as producers aim to increase their exports to the Old World.
Greenery shoots up
Greenery International shows four percent growth in 2000-1.Good year for greenhouse company in spite of fall in proces for greenhouse product.
Freight bosses back EU fuel tax proposal
Freight Transport Association offers support to European Union on road tax harmonisation.But government's decision to fight white paper will damage industry, say association bosses.