All Production & Trade articles – Page 1613
Planting the seeds in Perth
Reducing seed potato production costs and assessing the opportunities available to the seed supply chain from changing consumer buying habits will be highlighted at next month's Seed Industry Conference, Perth, November 14-15.
Horticulture should plough own furrow
UK horticulture should go it alone to build a higher profile image and look after its own lobbying with government by establishing a separate organisation, MP Michael Jack said last week.
EPL's multi-colour press scoop
EPL Technologies installs eight-colour press as part of £3m service-enhancement programme.
Soil Association reveals organic findings
Organic Food and Farm report includes promising signs for fresh produce
Citrus growers call for stricter rules
Spanish citrus co-operatives association in the Valencia region, Unio-Coag, has called on the national ministry of agriculture to introduce stricter plant health regulations following the discovery of citrus psila insects in the Canary Islands.
Frost hits again in New Zealand
Top fruit and kiwifruit growers are facing some tough decisions after frosts in the Hawkes Bay and Bay of Plenty areas.
Allfru secures Copaisan tomatoes
Las Palmas co-operative Copaisan transfers its tomatoes to Tenerife based Allfru Group
FDOC diverts funds
Grower dollars that would normally be allocated to initiatives to benefit Florida citrus growers are being diverted by the Florida Department of Citrus to fight a lawsuit that threatens to divide the industry.
Apples: make or break year?
A combination of factors at the start of the northern hemisphere apple season could give the market the lift it has been longing for these past few years, according to the latest issue of the World Apple Report.
Spain showcases new standards
Foods From Spain hosted a conference on Tuesday to showcase a rigorous new control system based on UNE standards.
Pink Lady weathers storms
Despite inclement weather in some production areas in Europe, the Pink Lady harvest was set to kick off with excellent quality this week.
Pink Lady weathers storms
Despite inclement weather in some production areas in Europe, the Pink Lady harvest was set to kick off with excellent quality this week.
Pistachio record breaker
California is set to produce a bumper pistachio harvest this season.
Humber VHB to restructure
Market pressure from Spanish salads imported during the main UK growing season and heightened competition among the multiples are forcing the UK's largest salad producer HumberVHB to restructure.
HRI hosts business clinics
Horticulture Research International, Kirton will play host to the first of two business clinics for rural enterprises on October 18.
NFU goes to High Court
The NFU has lodged legal papers and seeks a judicial review of the Agricultural Wages Order.
Research tackles berry mis-shapes
Spanish scientists are researching the problem of misshapen strawberries aiming to reduce mis-shapes by half and with results expected in two years' time.