All Production & Trade articles – Page 1604
Rural businesses are changing
Speaking at a business-marketing seminar funded by the land-based industries training organisation Lantra this week, Tony Allen from the Kent & Medway Skills Council said that the uptake of IT and skills development courses provided by Lantra demonstrates the change in rural industries.
Freshport at Amsterdam
A perishables handling centre opens this April at Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam.
Panama raises melon stakes
Panama is fast becoming a force to be reckoned with in top-quality melon production thanks to an innovative government project and the commitment of a band of dedicated growers in the country's Azuero peninsula.
Grape strength
The South African grape season is experiencing a better tail end of the season having recovered from a late start and problems clashing with an overhang of Brazilian fruit before Christmas.
World apple warning
The stark message from the March issue of the World Apple Report is that the major apple producing countries do not appreciate the difficulty of the export challenges facing them and will need to bite the bullet and endure higher costs to overcome the trade problem.
NZ horticulture diversifying
Preliminary figures from New Zealand's first agricultural census in eight years show the country's NZ$2billion (£637million) horticulture export industry is growing increasingly diverse as top fruit acreage declines and land given over to kiwifruit remains static.
No way to treat a Lady
Pink Lady apple volumes from Washington will be well down on forecast after bad weather in the state.
Vitacress invests
Vitacress Salads has invested more than £530,000 in the refurbishment and modification of recently acquired chilled facilities at Amesbury, close to its St Mary Bourne packhouse.
Curry at the crossroads
The farming and food industry has reached a watershed in its history as it faces the enlargement of the Community, the radical proposals being negotiated in Brussels and pressures from the WTO, predicted Sir Don Curry speaking during this week's meeting.
Another Fresh Link up
Five UK tomato producers have combined to market their fruit to Sainsbury's under the collective banner of Fresh Link Marketing Ltd.
More funds for farm advice
The Farm Business Advisory Service will have its budget doubled to £5 million this year to help farmers diversify and improve their profitability, announced Margaret Beckett, Defra's secretary of state, at the NFU annual general meeting.
EU admits mistake
The EU has made a mistake by being too defensive in its negotiations with the WTO, admits farm commissioner Franz Fischler, but he believes the political climate is changing.
Italians tighten up laws
Italian labelling laws to tighten, to prohibit incorrect promotion of produce pedigree.
Cold sweeps southern Spain
Temperatures in the key salad and vegetable growing areas of Murcia and Almeria in southern Spain have been dipping below zero again causing plant growth to slow and in some instances resulting in direct frost damage to crops.
Florette goes nap in Cambrai
Europe's leading prepacked salad specialist begins work on a fifth site, in northern France.
Higgins extends seed offer
The Higgins group is extending its credit offer on seed potatoes to customers following the success of a scheme the company introduced at the end of last year.
Lemons survive dry spell
Exports of lemons from the leading Tucumán area in the Argentinean north-west are expected to up in 2003 even on last season's 268,131tonnes, according to the Tucumán citrus association (ATC) despite dry spells in the spring and summer.
Ingredients for success
The European Sandwich Show is attracting more UK ingredients suppliers by the year.