All Production & Trade articles – Page 1602
HumberVHB specialises
The classic round tomato trade in the UK should be less pressured this season according to major grower HumberVHB which is dedicating its glass to the production of speciality varieties.
Bransden excels
Champion of environment-friendly farming and top quality produce, Charles Bransden has had his efforts recognised with an NFU Farming Excellence Award.
Stone-fruit disease fears
Officials in New Zealand are investigating a possible case of the plum pox potyvirus which affects apricots, peaches, cherries and plums.
Chile in pictures
Chile launches its cinema campaign in the UK and promises some retail theatre.
International standard for top fruit
The World Apple & Pear Association wants to establish international organoleptic standards.
Geest results announced
Geest has released its preliminary results for the year to December 28, 2002.
NFU announces new board
A new horticultural industry champion backed by a board of eight will provide the formidable force needed to help UK horticulture grow, the National Farmers' Union has announced.
Southern Africa's citrus forum
Citrus Southern Africa and the Fresh Produce Exporters Forum are set to launch the Citrus Marketing Forum (CMF) on March 7.
Kent takes up Lantra mantra
Tony Allen, of the Kent and Medway Skills Council, has said that the uptake of IT and skills development courses provided by the land-based training organisation Lantra demonstrates the speed of change taking place in rural industries.
The young and the beautiful
Matthew Naylor is presented with Young Grower of the Year award.
Another new name in produce
New combination becomes one of the biggest single entities in the produce industry.
M&S awards organic accolade
Technical manager Andrew Sharp presents prize to organic grower of the year.
UK growers receive reward
A specialist onion and potato grower from Shefford in Bedforshire is this year's Grower of the Year.