All Production & Trade articles – Page 1583
Fairtrade sales predicted to grow
Fairtrade products could become the "new organics", according to a report from Leatherhead Food International.
It's mangoes away... to South Africa
A final call to all chefs who have not already sent in their favourite mango recipe to the Mango Association.
Super Cali goes ballistic, pistachio crop atrocious
California's pistachio production is down significantly on last year's records, but more importantly on summer pre-season forecasts.
ADC unveils new product
ADC BioScientific has introduced a new portable soil respiration system.
PMA report analyses Chinese fresh produce industry
The Chinese produce industry is laid bare in a new FreshTrack study by the Produce Marketing Association in the US.
Fresh Del Monte Produce reports solid Q3 results
Earnings per share, net sales, net income all advance despite challenging market conditions in Europe.
NZ faces trade barriers
New Zealand exporters face significant trade barriers for their horticultural produce a new report has found.
Mixed blessings for onions
The UK has produced a vintage quality onion crop this year, but yields are highly variable across the country and bulb sizes are smaller than average.
George Hammond moves in at Sheerness
George Hammond Plc has announced the opening of a branch office at the Port of Sheerness.
FTA welcomes rail regulator's plan
The Freight Transport Association (FTA) has welcomed rail regulator Tom Winsor's call for more freight line funding.
Capespan fruit for schools
Capespan provided fruit to an East London school as part of National School Meals Week
Growth in vegetarian products slows
A new report shows that the growth in vegetarian food products has slowed in the UK.
Carluccio's Caffe culture
Commendatore Antonio Carluccio shares his celebrated passion for mushrooms with the Mushroom Bureau at his mushroom market in central London.
Grape market awaits Brazilian arrivals
The first vessel of new season Brazilian grapes will hit Europe next week...
New player in Israeli pepper
Edom UK has been set up by seven Israeli growers and will focus on supplying top-quality capsicum to the UK market.
Cranberries bounce back
Forecasts for this season's US cranberry crop are strong despite a decline in likely volumes from the biggest growing area.
Florida grapefruit rise
Grapefruit volumes from the Sunshine State are on the up while the UK market is seeing demand almost outstrip supply.
South African growers form concern group
South African grape growers have formed a new group to defend their interests.
FPC works on MRL guidelines
The Fresh Produce Consortium is drafting guidelines for members to help with conformity to proposed new legislation on maximum pesticide-residue levels.
Cape grower makes smart decision with Longlife
Cape Five Export, one of the major grower-based deciduous fruit exporter groups in South Africa is successfully using new smartbag packaging technology developed by Long Life Solutions.