All Production & Trade articles – Page 1574
Spanish salads face cold snap
Spanish salad supplies have been suffering from unseasonably cold weather this month and there could be more cool temperatures on the way.
Greenery UK announces MDS membership
Greenery UK has confirmed it is the latest member to join Management Development Services (MDS).
Diamantes are forever
The quality of the Diamante strawberry crop was top of the list of priorities on Hargreaves Plants production manager Garth Baxter recent week-long trip to the firm’s strawberry plant nurseries in California.
Shamouti makes UK debut
UK supermarkets are welcoming the first arrivals of Israel’s Jaffa Shamouti oranges this week.
Renewed calls for UK supermarket watchdog
Producers and consumer groups in the UK have renewed calls for a new code to protect consumers and small suppliers.
EU-Israel export dispute no nearer resolution
Israel's minister of industry, trade and labour Ehud Olmert has so far failed to resolve a dispute between Israel and the EU over Israel's exports to EU member countries.
Conference to tackle water issues
Implications of new water legislation to be explained at a British Potato Council (BPC) sponsored conference.
Major grant for benchmarking centre
Food Chain Centre awarded major grant to develop promotion of benchmarking.
New broccoli targets niche sector
Breeder unveils new summer cauliflower for the fast-expanding speciality market.
Bramley shortfall warning
Keen uptake from the apple-processing sector means a delicately balanced fresh market for UK Bramley.
Cap reform top bills at NFU AGM
Cap reform will top the agenda at the NFU AGM in Birmingham on February 16-17.
Information needed to avert MRL disaster
ColeACP is collating information that could keep tropical and sub-tropical products such as carambola and papaya on the UK retail shelves.
Spanish salads back on track
An improvement in the weather in Spain has brought salad and vegetable supplies back on course after a tricky period.
One HEFF of an offer to producers
Call to Midlands food and drink companies to join HEFF at the heart of Food and Drink Expo 2004.
UK apple market strong for English supplies
The English dessert apple sector is entering the last few months of its season in good shape, according to Adrian Barlow of promotional body English Apples & Pears.
Manac'h receives French merit
Catherine Manac'h was awarded the Officier du Mérite Agricole distinction by the French government, as part of Sopexa's 40th anniversary celebrations.
Brassica growers beware pesticide spotlight
Brassica growers must be wary of pesticide concerns, said chariman of growers' association Philip Effingham
Spinach adds muscle at Tozer
Tozer Seeds has added strenght to its portfolio with a new spinach range.
Geest updates City ahead of year-end results
Geest plc this morning provided the City with a pre-close update for the year ended January 3, 2004.