All Production & Trade articles – Page 1560
South African growers win Chinese gold
South African citrus growers have been granted access for their products into China.
Greenery grower wins sustainability award
Cees Veerman, Holland’s Minister of Agriculture, Nature & Food Quality this week presented tomato-grower Themato CV with an award that recognises socially responsible business practice, during the 3rd Dutch Sustainability Congress, held in Bussum.
California reports cherry success
The California Cherry Advisory Board is reporting a very successful season in the UK.
Pink Lady® future still safe
Debate has surfaced in the industry regarding Pink Lady® apples' future as a premium brand.
Reynolds Catering looks to triple turnover
Tony Reynolds, managing director and chairman of Reynolds Catering, plans to build a 10,000 square foot London depot and hopes to triple the award-winning company's turnover.
Cues jumping ahead at STC
Yields so far in the year-round cucumber trial at Stockbridge Technology Centre, North Yorkshire, are on course to beat the project’s initial target of 300 cucumbers a square metre.
Growers respond to tightened code
In response to the tightening of the Polytunnel Voluntary Code of Practise, Eric Drummond, on behalf of the South Herefordshire Growers Association said on Wednesday...
Spanish grape decline
The harvest has started in Murcia, but late spring weather has taken its toll on grapes.
Spanish tomatoes set to recover
Recent estimates forecast a recovery in the new season for Spanish tomato productdion.
US faces berry hike
Production increases in key producer states mean the US is likely to see a significant rise in strawberry production in 2004.
Chilean growers invite visitors
The Chilean fruit growers’ federation Fedefruta is holding its second Business Round Table at Santiago’s Hyatt Regency Hotel on October 6-7.
Capespan begins radio campaign
Capespan has launched its Cape Apple New Season marketing campaign with radio and media campaign entitled - Fresh from the Sun.
Thames Fruit wins Kentish accolade
Thames Fruit as runner-up in the Kent Company Of The Year category at the Kent Business Awards 2004
Flandria tests cuore di bue tomatoes
The Meerle research centre in Belgium is carrying out extensive tests with a view to growing cuore di bue tomatoes according to Flandria standards.
Fairtrade visit for Co-op
The Co-op Group welcomed its Fairtrade pineapple growers to its head office in Manchester.
Sainsbury's campaign spotlights salads
UK-grown salads were put in the spotlight at a series of roadshows at Sainsbury’s stores in the south east this week.
Tesco expands organic range
Tesco is responding to demand for its organic range this year by sourcing new products and adding to its existing range of 1,200 lines.
Chiquita benefits from euro strength
The strength of the euro has assisted an uplift in dollar prices for Chiquita Brands International bananas in Europe.
Stubbins sticks to specialities
Stubbins’ Rhymney Valley Nursery is trialing new speciality tomatoes as the marketplace continues to boom.
South African Hass arrival
The South African Hass season has started with promises of good quality fruit.