All Production & Trade articles – Page 1557
Chilean exports smash through 200 million case mark
Chilean Exporters’ Association celebrates milestone season.
Bramley website gains government recognition
The Bramley Campaign's educational website has achieved accreditation from the National Grid for Learning.
British Summer Fruits to sponsor Fruitstock
British Summer Fruits is to sponsor Fruitstock, the free two-day music festival organised by Innocent, the makers of Innocent Smoothies.
IP establishes a new model
Kathryn Gray, general manager of International Produce, the dedicated Asda supplier which opened its doors last week, says the partnership is redefining the supplier/buyer relationship.
British asparagus booms
Six UK companies that grow, market and distribute asparagus have jointly funded a national PR campaign to promote the British 2004 Asparagus Season - Barfoots, Bomfords, Exotic Farm Produce, Kitchen Garden Produce, Mack Multiples and Tuddenham Hall.
Florette shrinks its salads
UK salad producer Florette has unveiled a new smaller portion salad pack as part of its latest collection for 2004.
Broccoli demand steepens
Strong demand and some shortage of supply has made UK broccoli hard to come by.
Nispero enjoys boom campaign
Sales of Spanish nispero have reached new heights following a successful campaign organised by Food from Spain in May and June.
NZ apple-grower and post-harvest unity
Growers representing half of the New Zealand apple export crop voted 96.05 per cent in favour of a change at Pipfruit New Zealand to unite with the post-harvest sector at a special general meeting Tuesday.
Unsettled weather increases potato blight risk
Potato growers shouldn’t be deceived by the relatively low levels of blight around this year.
Annual pesticides report published
The Pesticides Safety Directorate has published its annual report for 2003-04.
Kids still prefer unhealthy options
A department of health study has found that only six of per cent of schoolchildren would select salad or vegetables as a preferred lunchtime option, while an even more unhealthy two per cent would opt for fruit.
Food safety review published
The risks posed by pathogens on fresh produce are the subject of an extensive new review…
Climate change to create garden of Scotland
A report in The Times predicts that the garden of England will move to Scotland long before the end of the century, while Kent will become a stonefruit haven.
Produce World appoints new chairman
Produce World, one of the UK’s leading vegetable suppliers, has announced the appointment of Paul Wilkinson as its new non-executive chairman.
Pipfruit New Zealand urges growers to vote on united approach
Pipfruit New Zealand is urging all growers to have a say in the future direction of their industry at a special general meeting in Hastings tomorrow.
Bourne to stir fry
Three leading suppliers of own label packs of fresh cut stir fry vegetables have joined forces to launch a new generic PR consumer campaign, fronted by fusion food celebrity chef Peter Gordon.
Watercress campaign wins top industry award
A naked glamour model, a celebrity chef and strong healthy eating messages proved a recipe for success for the watercress industry.
Beanfeast set for next week
Growers in Worcestershire hope a problematic supply picture will sort itself out soon.