All Production & Trade articles – Page 1556
Residue reduction starts pre-planting
Certis launched the CleanStart brand at Fruit Focus, emphasising the need to reduce pests and diseases to a minimum before planting.
Rocha volumes hit record levels
Volumes of Rocha pears will reach their highest level since meaningful exports began, in the 2004-5 season.
Industry defended after pesticide scare report
The Food Standards Agency has leapt to the defence of fruit and vegetables after the latest pesticide scare report from Friends of the Earth targeted imported apples and pears.
Raspberry demand not keeping up with supply
BerryWorld md says retail market is not yet geared up to handle increasing early raspberry volumes.
Sterilant re-launch at Fruit Focus
Soil sterilant Basamid was re-launched to growers at Fruit Focus as part of a ‘CleanStart - start clean, stay clean’ campaign developed by horticultural crop protection specialists Certis.
Onions cry off
The onion market hit a sticky patch in the UK this week with demand and supply seemingly at odds.
Plum duff in record Chile season
A significant uplift in Chilean volumes has not been entirely good news for UK importers.
Bright future for horticultural research
Warwick HRI’s new director professor Simon Bright this week told the Journal that the newly focused organisation will put its research efforts into a broader commercial context, and to a wider audience.
New mango hits UK shelves
Wealmoor Ltd has introduced a new mango variety into the UK from its own farms in The Gambia.
Varied citrus outlook from Spain
Differing experinces in Castellón and Alicante with the weather during the growing season are revealing their likely impact on citrus crops.
Mixed bag for UK soft-fruit growers
KG Fruits reported mixed 2004 soft-fruit fortunes for its UK growers, at Fruit Focus this Wednesday.
Del Monte sales on the rise
Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc has announced financial results for the second quarter and six months ended June 25, 2004.
Fuel prices rocket on Yukos concerns
A financial crisis at Russian oil giant Yukos has caused concern across the oil world and sent prices spiraling to new highs.
Italian kiwi growers shift focus
A leading kiwifruit importer forecasts a limited increase in Italian kiwifruit sales as producers shift their focus.
New broom sweeps in with cuts at FDOC
Swingeing cuts are being put in place at the Florida Department of Citrus.
Myers takes pea crown
Steven Myers, chef at Escape, Ilkley, was crowned the winner of the Great British Pub & Restaurant Challenge 2004.
Organic Braeburn soars in popularity
Sainsbury’s organic Braeburn sales are increasing at a rate of around 10 per cent a year, it said this week.
Agronomist urges growers to consider strategic change
Blight hot spots are breaking out in potato crops across the eastern counties where spray intervals have been extended too far, warns a leading potato agronomist. Growers must change strategy to counter the threat, he advises.
El Ciruelo steps up progress
Murcia’s largest grape producer El Ciruelo has undergone a change of corporate identity and also has a couple of "new" products in its export portfolio this season.
Cornish grower picks up Royal accolade
Redruth brassica producer David Simmons has been awarded the RASE Excellence in Practical Farming Award.