All Production & Trade articles – Page 1555
SA rand suffers extended losses
The South African rand has suffered extensive losses after the country's central bank unexpectedly cut interest rates this morning.
Tomatoes hit a slump
The tomato job in the UK is struggling as a number of factors combine to depress the market and producers.
New hub for Waitrose
As part of a Waitrose supply partner project aimed at reducing costs through supplier collaboration, Produce World has opened Frupac...
Working Time Regulations - a spanner in the works
The Freight Transport Association has warned vehicle operators that the implementation of new Working Time Directive regulations next March could be a huge a spanner in the works for companies that aren't properly prepared.
First Fairtrade avos hit UK shelves
HL Hall & Sons and Westfalia have supplied the first Fairtrade avocados into the UK market from their farms in South Africa.
Sainsbury's launches Fairtrade avocados
Sainsbury’s has introduced Fairtrade avocados in 150 stores.
Halls hands land over to Mdluli clan
Nelspruit-based avocado specialist HL Hall & Son is the facilitator in a Mpumulanga land reform deal that sees more than 6,000 hectares of the company's prime commercial land handed over to members of the Mdluli clan.
Sainsbury's puts faith in Trinity
Sainsbury's launched a new lettuce into 360 stores on August 4.
Chiquita solid after Colombian sale
Chiquita Brands International saw second quarter 2004 net income of $30 million (£16.3m), or $0.73 (40p) per diluted share, including an after-tax loss of $4m (£2.2m) on the sale of its Colombian banana production division.
Watermelon destruction
Spanish watermelon growers are already destroying their crops in parts of the Valencia region as prices dive still further.
UK top-fruit to drop
English apple and pear volumes are likely to be down this year and there are appearance issues on some varieties too, according to Adrian Barlow of English Apples & Pears.
Defra report slammed
The farm-gate retail price spreads report sneaked out by Defra recently has disappointed producers and suppliers.
Hargreaves boards blueberry bandwagon
Hargreaves Plants is developing its blueberry plant numbers after promising UK sales this season.
Calcagni calls for trader recognition
Freshfel Eport Division vice-president Pino Calcagni has called for the role of traders to be fully recognised in the European Commission’s revision of the Common Market Organisation for Fruit and Vegetables (CMO).
Kiwifruit returns under pressure
New Zealand kiwifruit growers may receive 20 per cent lower returns per tray this year compared to 2003-04 following a bumper harvest.
Barlow issues Discovery warning
Declining production of Discovery worries English apple sector.
Harwood moves in at Syngenta
Syngenta Seeds Ltd has appointed Keith Harwood as UK sales manager for vegetables.
Retailers scoop Brammy honours
The Bramley Campaign Group has announced the winners of this year's prestigious Brammy Awards.