All Production & Trade articles – Page 1551
Chiquita bananas high tech packaging
Banana giant Chiquita has signed a deal which will see the use of high-tech packaging to extend the shelf life of its fruit.
Organic seed website launched
Organic farmers now have access to a website which provides them with information on the availability of organic seeds within the UK.
Mail raps salads - again
Industry has its say as Daily Mail report revisits bagged salad debate.
Stubbins Raleighs round for Catrin
Catrin Jones, pictured, from Machynellth, had a surprise gift for her 11th birthday when she became the lucky winner of a Raleigh Chopper bicycle, courtesy of Stubbins Marketing.
Medway's new melon measures
Medway Ports is offering enhanced dock-side services to Brazilian melon importers.
Picota rallies despite crop reduction
Sales of Spanish Picota cherries through UK retailers have strengthened year on year despite a drastically reduced crop.
Almost 10,000 produce jobs in danger
Increased efficiency in the UK fresh produce sector could come at the cost of almost 10,000 jobs, analysts have claimed.
Greyfriars invests for Morrisons business
Major mushroom supplier Greyfriars has opened a new £300,000 packhouse to facilitate its diversification into sweetcorn, garlic and cabbage for Morrisons.
Compass off the mark
Shares in UK catering giant Compass crashed by more than 20 per cent this morning after low profits on school food contracts caused it to downgrade its profits forecast.
Jamaica, Cuba and Florida in line for next hurricane
Jamaica’s horticulture industry is praying Hurricane Ivan, the latest in a series of destructive storms to hit the region, will miss the island.
Florida grapefruit crop reduced
Grapefruit in Florida has been more affected by Hurricane Frances than Hurricane Charley with at least half the crop lost.
Growers face more wage hikes
The Agriculture Wages Board has angered growers with the announcement that their wages bill will increase well beyond the rate of inflation.
Cuban citrus hit hard by hurricane
While all eyes have been on Florida, Cuban citrus growers have been taking a pounding at the hands of the weather.
US blueberry production on rise
US production of cultivated blueberries is expected to amount to a record 205m pounds, even taking into account poor weather in May.
New mushrooms for Belgian auctions
A new range of gastronomic type mushrooms is set to be available at Belgian auctions this autumn.
Greenfingered children to grow fruit and veg
The goverment is planning to tackle obesity in children with an increased focus on gardening.
Florida citrus hit again
Hurricane Frances adds to the misery for citrus growers in Florida, with yet another potential hurricane on the way.
Anya and Juliette on promotional tour
Sainsbury’s, in conjunction with one of its key potato suppliers MBM Produce Ltd, will be holding a two-week in-store promotional tour to herald the start of the new season of its exclusive potato varieties Anya and Juliette.
Asda's Extra Special mango
Asda is aiming high with the launch of a new premium mango offer.
Polka dancing into contention
Polka, the Polish bred raspberry introduced to the UK by Hargreaves Plants last summer, is already a strong contender for the autumn market.