All Production & Trade articles – Page 1549
New pumpkin hits retail shelves
Marks & Spencer is widening its range of squash with the launch of a mini pumpkin.
Chinese export expansion looms
If export expansion goes according to plan, China could represent a quarter of global apple trade by 2008, according to a report by the USDA.
Namibia ready early
The new Namibian grape season is expected to start slightly early: some seven to 10 days in advance of the late debut last year.
Apples back on top
Apples are back in pole position when it comes to consumer spend on fruit, regaining the position from bananas with a 13 per cent rise in the last two years.
Sulphur fear for grapes
Fears table grapes will be left off the list for the positive use of sulphur dioxide are growing, Freshel Europe has reported.
English apples: "good not vintage"
English Apples & Pears says apple producers are looking forward to a good season this year, despite difficulties with the weather.
Residue levels reassuring
The latest pesticide residue testing results have been described as reassuring by government scientists.
UK iceberg comeback not enough
The UK iceberg season is going through a late flush, but it is not enough to offset a disastrous campaign overall for most growers.
Pears on the menu for Beacon
A growing demand for fruit as an ingredient has led to success with pears for one supplier.
Asda downgrades Pink Lady
Asda has downgraded branded Pink Lady apples to a gap-filler, following its six-week trial of stocking the generic Cripps Pink variety in its place.
NFU calls for slimmed down BPC
The British Potato Council (BPC) should use its latest review wisely according to the National Farmers Union.
Beetroot is golden at Waitrose
A golden beetroot variety is to launch exclusively at Waitrose on October 4.
Vietnam looks to boost fruit and veg exports
The Viet Nam Vegetable and Fruit Export Corporation (Vegetexco) is hoping to increase exports to the EU.
Makeover for Transfrigoroute
Transfrigoroute (UK) has undergone a makeover with the first redesign of the organisation’s logo in 25 years.
Indian producers target Europe
A new US$50 million joint venture has been launched to transform the Indian farming sector and export high quality produce to Europe.
Sainsbury's Jazz winners jet off
Two lucky Jazz apple consumers are set to jet off to New Orleans thanks to a competition organised by Worldwide Fruit and Sainsbury’s.
Colombian flower sales rocket
Colombian flower exports are at record levels, pushed upwards by the country's Florverde programme, which aims to better the social, economic and environmental conditions of the Colombian flower industry.
Super gras spurs Peru's expansion
Peruvian asparagus has become a year-round fixture on the shelves at Sainsbury’s, as the South American source developed its export crop to meet specific market specifications.
Eosta wins Dutch corporate responsibility prize
Organic market leader Eosta received first prize for corporate social responsibility from the Dutch government
Record year in store for Israeli citrus
Israeli citrus growers are forecasting a record crop and an earlier start to the season this year.