All Production & Trade articles – Page 1548
Israeli grapefruit to fill hurricane holes
Israeli grapefruit growers have record export volumes at their disposal and are anticipating a good season as they fulfil their programmes and fill some of the holes that have been blown in the hurricane-torn citrus market.
For the love of fruit
JP Fruit Distributors has extended its Love Fruit message to six lorries and will eventually plaster the slogan and healthy-eating messages over its entire 30-truck fleet.
Kitchener call to arms for tomato growers
Sainsbury's tomato buyer aired some retail views on the categroy at the TGA tomato conference.
Bumper Bramley gets heavy support
A bumper Bramley crop is set to put UK producers back in the picture after a number of disappointing seasons.
Reach for the Star
The Banana Group is preparing for yet more success after teaming up with national newspaper The Daily Star
Cyprus citrus on target
The Cyprus Trade Centre in London has revealed this season's citrus crop forecast.
Banana pricing dreamland
While banana prices on the wholesale markets have risen tentatively following the four-pronged attack of hurricanes Charley, Frances, Ivan and Jeanne, any longer-term uplift at the supermarkets may well be the stuff of dreams.
MTEX moves in with satsumas
The first Israeli satsumas ever brought into the UK by Mehadrin Tnuport Export (MTEX) will arrive in the market next week.
Brassica crisis deepens
Brassica growers in the UK are in the midst of a worsening crisis as producers reportedly sell their product below the cost of production to major multiples and acreage dwindles year on year.
First sea-freight for Max pineapples
Ghanaian Fairtrade pineapples from Bomarts Farms were due to arrive by sea into Europe for the first time this week.
Further woe for Florida grapefruit
The 2004-05 season for Florida grapefruit looks likely to be a “skip” year, following yet another hurricane in the Sunshine State.
Hirst new vc of horticulture board
Richard Hirst has been elected vice chairman (horticulture) of the NFU's horticulture board.
Branston targets south-coast growers
Tesco’s largest potato supplier Branston has appointed an additional buyer specifically to source material from growers on the south coast of England.
New pumpkin hits retail shelves
Marks & Spencer is widening its range of squash with the launch of a mini pumpkin.
Chinese export expansion looms
If export expansion goes according to plan, China could represent a quarter of global apple trade by 2008, according to a report by the USDA.
Namibia ready early
The new Namibian grape season is expected to start slightly early: some seven to 10 days in advance of the late debut last year.
Apples back on top
Apples are back in pole position when it comes to consumer spend on fruit, regaining the position from bananas with a 13 per cent rise in the last two years.
Sulphur fear for grapes
Fears table grapes will be left off the list for the positive use of sulphur dioxide are growing, Freshel Europe has reported.
English apples: "good not vintage"
English Apples & Pears says apple producers are looking forward to a good season this year, despite difficulties with the weather.
Residue levels reassuring
The latest pesticide residue testing results have been described as reassuring by government scientists.